Chapter Eight

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Happy reading guys!!
Feels like I posted yesterday but I didn't for this book lol


Stifling a groan, Koda rubbed her optics, attempting to wipe away the drowsiness of recharge. Looking over at the end table to her right she noted that it was early in the morning.

Letting her helm fall back onto her pillow she sighed quietly. Hoping to not disturb her resting mate. Who in fact...was a snorer...

The ragged vents coming from him could almost tip Koda off her calm demeanor.

Pinching her non-existent nose bridge she let a small yawn leave her systems. Some days she would like to shake Optimus awake and tell him off about his bad habit. Yet she knew he couldn't control it, and ever since he had been recharging better his mood had increased. He was now more lively, and happy when he got home, not burnt out, like he had been before Chromedome did some digging around. Which had been a nerve wracking thing...

It'd been a little over a deca-cycle since Chromedome had arrived. With another mech, who went by the name of Swerve. Smokescreen had been both terrified and ecstatic to see the minicon.

Speaking that he was on the same ship as him when he had been captured by the Decepticons.

While this Swerve didn't recall that, or Smokescreen, the two had already been getting along great. Two crazy and joyous minds working reminded few of Miko's crazy charades back in the day.

Which made everyone chuckle as Smokescreen proceeded to tell Swerve about the human.

Who had found this human femme rather interesting. And wished to know more about the human culture, as he only knew about the sit-coms which were made by them.

Though, after learning that Koda was originally from earth he had a plan to bombard the femme with questions. A plan that would later be put to a stop by Bumblebee.

At the moment, there were only five Bots' in the physiatrist room. Rung, who had spoken with Chromedome and thought it would be best to have the mnemosurgeon inject, found the cause which had been unsettling Optimus for so long.

Megatronus and Koda also stood in the room. Being the 'brute force' in case anything were to happen after Chromedome ejected from the Prime.

The mech and femme watched from the closed door. Standing on either side of it, while Rung sat at his desk.

"It will be best if you would lay down Optimus," Chromedome advised the red and blue mech who was sitting on the berth. He nodded and settled himself down, but he was rather stiff. It wouldn't harm anything, in fact he had a right to be nervous.

Chromedome looked up at Koda, "I'll do a routine check, see what's up, then go from there. Depending on how big this 'problem' is, I could be in for a breem to a groon. However, I will keep you updated on things."

"Thank you for doing this Chromedome," The femme nodded in thanks.

Chromedome nodded before turning to Optimus, "I will be going in through just behind your helm, it will allow me easy access to your memory core and processor, where both meet. Hence, giving me more accessibility to the problem. Are you alright with that?"

Optimus nodded slowly, still slightly uncertain, which Koda attempted to ease, "I'll be good."

After a nod the mnemosurgeon spoke in a calm tone, "Just close your optics for me..." Optimus did as asked and a moment later Chromedome ejected his needles, as lined them up before saying, "You're just going to feel a few small pricks...."

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now