(Bonus chapter(based on earth 1st book) A Quiet Moment

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Happy reading guys!

Sorry, I most likely won't be able to get another chapter out till Sunday. I'm scorekeeping twelve of the fifteen volleyball games on Friday(noon till seven at night, have school in the morning though) and Saturday (ten in the morning till five at night). No one else wants to do it and they need help so I'm volunteering.
And I'm also a bit swamped with a large English assignment. It's our very first C.A.R.L (Critical Analytical Response to Literature) and it is worth a fair amount of marks. And it needs to be finished by Friday night. So I'm going to work on that tomorrow so I don't need to worry about it.

So...I thought I would do a small chapter. Just to give you something! And I did some sketches for this. They're simple, but I'm proud of them. And it was actually for a small art assignment lol
Teacher liked em so that gave me enough confidence to put them on here 😅
(Yeah I'm that way)


This is kinda during the beginnings of Koda's and Optimus' relationship. (Which I realize I didn't really dive into that much. Something to fix during the rewrite haha(which will be separate books) and this is just gonna be a short tid bit.


There were a few hisses within the conn-pod as Koda was released from the machine's controls. Gipsy's systems fully powered down and the machine's core went dark.

    Stumbling forward, Koda nearly tripped. Her suit clanked with each step she took. Movement's slow, the woman slowly removed her black mechanical suit. The stiff suit, filled with delicate wiring slipped down to the floor.

    Koda sighed in relief, having the weight taken off. She shivered slightly, her black tank top and leggings not being enough to keep her warm. A gray sweatshirt lay on her bed when she reached the floor. Quickly sliding it on, Koda walked into the bathroom. She turned on the tap and dampened a cloth with warm water. Bringing it to her sweaty face she grunted when the warm fabric touched her skin.

    It was strange but felt nice. A minute passed before she dampened the cloth again, this time wringing out the extra water before hanging it up. Her gaze was brought to her reflection in the mirror. Her emerald coloured eyes looked dull...

    The bags under her eyes indicated tiredness and exhaustion. All thanks to a long drift and mission.

    A few bangs and clangs brought her out of the bathroom and out of her room and into the hallway. She spotted Bulkhead and Bee tossing the lob ball around.

    The olive wrecker spun around and threw the metal ball of sorts straight at Bumblebee. The scout caught it but was pushed back a bit by the force.

    Sneaking past the two, Koda made her way up to the elevator. The kids were not here, as it was supper time for them. Something that Koda did not really care all that much about. She ate when she was hungry, and that was that. And right now, she didn't have an appetite.

    Her stomach churned as she was lifted up by the elevator and up to the top of the base. A small ding and doors sliding open alerted her that she was at her destination. A very quick trip.

    Walking out she smiled slightly at seeing the orange sky and slightly pink clouds. The sun was only just beginning to set. There was still a fair amount of daylight left during the day.

    Allowing her feet to carry her to the edge of the base, Koda sat down. Left leg swung on the edge, while her right arm rested on her right knee.

    Taking a deep breath, the woman allowed the oxygen to flow through her. And the carbon dioxide to escape when she breathed out.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now