Act 2 - Farm - Chapter 17

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Shane was back, that meant that Carl had a very good chance to survive. They got back in time, it it was just a hour later, Carl wouldn't had such a good chance to survive.
Shane didn't seemed like he was okay, he just handed Hershel the equipments and then he went outside.
Lana made her back at the porch, glancing at Shane, who didn't realized that she was sitting there.

"What's up with you?" The Dixon woman asked him with a raised eyebrow.
Shane quickly shook his head, wiping the little tears from his eyes.
"Nothing," he tried to act all tough, and brave but it didn't worked so well.
"Where is the other dude?" Lana asked again, expecting to hear what she thinks.

"H-He said he would cover for me."
"And that I should get going, and that's what I did, I just.."

Lana glanced at him, while he said that, something in Lana told her that he wasn't telling her everything. That Shane left out a little detail, but she couldn't tell what.
In the mean time, as Lana thought to herself, Shane sat down on a bench.

"Why aren't you with the others?"

"Oh Lori made herself clear, that I shouldn't be near Carl or her family, even when her family is broken."

Lana laughed at the last part, but Shane's gaze was very fast on Lana. Did she knew about him and Lori?
"What do you mean?" He tried to overplay it.
"I know about you two.." The black haired girl glanced over her shoulder at him.
"I'm not stupid, everyone could see it when they'd look a little closer."

"Does he know it..?" Shane sallowed when he asked that, he was very embarrassed and uncomfortable that of all people, Lana was the one who knew it.
"No, but he isn't blind..!" Lana made a point, Rick definitely knew that something was going on.
"He's gonna find out, sooner or later, Shane."

With that Lana got off the porch to get her head free, with all the bad thoughts.
It was cold, and pretty dark but the stars were making enough light to see something.
Out of the blue, her arm was twitching again, it started burning too. Lana figured out that she'd have that pain when walkers were near. On one side it was pretty useful to know when the danger is coming, but on the other side, it hurts like hell.

Her gaze was on a barn, it felt like her arm was moving her towards it.
When she stood in front of the barn, there was a lock on the door. It seemed like there was something in there, what people aren't supposed to see.
Lana walked around the barn, then she finally saw a ladder who was leaning on a open hole in the barn.
The Dixon woman hadn't much to lose, so she decided to go up.

Her eyes widen when she saw what was in there, it was full of walkers. Now she understood why Hershel said that they aren't allowed to go near the barn.
Lana tried to make not much noise as possible.
The black haired woman's heart was pounding in her chest. Should she tell the others about this?
Her bite didn't stopped hurting, but she tried to forget the pain.

Lana's eyes widen more when she a little girl, blond short hair, a blue shirt on..wait wasn't that same that Sophia wore when she disappeared?
Dixons body tensed up, her mouth fell open as she realized that the little girl was Sophia.
She stumbled a little back, the ladder made a sound.
Of course attract that the attention of the Walkers.
So Lana quickly went off the ladder again, not wanting to make more noise then she already did.


"You should eat something," A voice echoed in the room. Lana was in the kitchen staring out the window.
"I'm fine," She replied back. The woman didn't listen to Lana, and handed her a piece of bread.
"I'm Maggie," Maggie smiled a little when she saw that Lana took the bread.
"Lana," The Dixon woman introduced herself.

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