Act 1 - The Camp - Chapter 4

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Lana stood there at van waiting for the people who came with her to finde Merle. "Are you guys coming? gosh why is it taking so long?!" Lana's voice raised at the last part. "I'm coming!" She heard Glenn's voice who was packing something in. Lana rolled her eyes, all she wanted was to find her bother. When the dark haired girl looked aside she saw how rick was talking to his son and wife. She felt bad for Carl, that he needed to let him go again, but she didn't felt bad for Rick or Lori. She didn't liked them both. Lori just because she wasn't nice to her, she was a good mom
Lana didn't doubt that, but she still didn't understand why Lori didn't liked her.

But Rick on the other side she had a great reason to not like him. How could you just handcuff a man and left him there? After a while Lana was just standing there, but suddenly she heard a voice behind her. "Lana..?" The little boy said.
"Mhm?" She answered still feeling bad for punching his dad right in front of his eyes. Don't get her wrong, for her rick deserved that punch, but not in front of his son eyes.

"Can you promise me something?" The soft voice of the boy said. "What is it?" She asked him, Lana knew that she would say yes to his promise dosen't matter what it was. Even if Lana would never say it loud, she liked Carl. He reminded her of herself, she felt bad for him to grow up in this situation.
"Can you promise me you will bring my dad back?" Carl asked her while looking up to her with his blue eyes.
Lana kneeled down so they were on the same height.
"I'm promise I'll bring him back." She said not knowing if she could keep this promise. But she'll try not for rick. For Carl.


The car drive was quite. Nobody said a word. Rick was driving the van, Lana sat beside him on the passenger site. Daryl and T-Dog were sitting somewhere at the back of the van.
"I'm sorry for what happened with your bother.."
Rick begun to apologize, but Lana didn't want to hear it. "Stop." She said with a sigh not wanting to remember the situation.
After a time rick said something again "Carl told me about you." Smiling at the mention of his son.
"He likes you." Lana looked at Rick.
She didn't knew what to say. "But I'm not sure his mother like me." Rick sensed up at the mention of his wife. Lana knew something was wrong, she saw one time Shane, and Lori together in the forest.
Are they having a affair? Thought she.

" just worried you know? About this whole situation." Said rick while struggling finding the words to explain his wife's behaved.
"Yeah for us all it's difficult, and still people can be nice.." she argued calm.
Rick just looked over her for a second. He knew that she was mad at him. She had every right to be.

Some minutes passed when the car stopped
"We here." The diver said as the group got out of the van. "The city is there." Glenn said while pointing into the direction he meant. "We have to walk from here."


"You have to be quiet okay? When we'll climb up there you don't make a sound okay?" Glenn's voices was a whisper. Everyone nodded as they climbed the ladder up.
When everyone was on the roof. There was no Merle.
Just the handcuffs on the metal and under it a hand. Merle's hand. Her brother started yelling, and even a bit crying. He was so mad at the world. Mad at Merle. Mad at everyone.

Lana stood there, just a single tear was falling down her cheek. Rick looked at her feeling like this was his fault. "I-I'm sorry." He said to expressed his pity to her.
But it didn't made her feel better..hell it made her even feel worse.


I don't know if I like this chapter..
It's for me because I'm not a native English speaker a bit difficult to explain the situation the characters are in

But I'll work on it!

Again I'm open for tips and feedback!

Love y'all<3

731 words

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