Oh boy

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We all run to the arcade laser tag and strap ourselves in.

"The games are best of five rounds. The first and last rounds, everyone plays. The middle rounds, it's a one-on-one competition, so choose your best fighter." Belly states as we all run into the room and hide.

I turn around the wall and see Jeremiah so I sneak up behind me and shoot him.

"Yes" I yell before running away.

The game is Team Conrad with 17 hits and Team Belly with 15 hits.

I sneak around Steven and shoot his back as he turns around disappointed.

"Must suck." I say with a smirk as his gun comes back to life and he quickly shoots me.

"Now that must suck." He says with a smirk.

"Your on Steven." I say as he runs away.

Game is now tied 20-20.

I run around a corner before I feel Conrad pick me up at Steven shoots me making the guys win.

"We won! Yes!" Conrad yells as he puts me down. All the guys start high fiving and cheering as us girls just walk out.

"Sorry guys." I say as the girls looks disappointed.

"It's fine, we'll get them next game." Belly states with confidence.

Steven and Taylor vs eachother on the rock wall as Steven starts to cling without a harness.

"No, no, no, you actually can't do that without a harness." Cameron says running up to him as I smile.

"Cameron?!" I say as he looks at me and smiles. I walk up to him and hug him as he wraps his arms around my torso.

I hear Steven clear his throat as I separate from Cameron. "How have you been?" Cam asks.

"I've been good. How are you?" I ask in shock seeing him hear.

"I thought Nicole said that you were doing some internship on a fancy whaling boat." Belly says.

"That fell through." Cameron says sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Belly says.

"This uniform, though? Super cool. Very official." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"It is pretty cool." Cam says spinning around so I can see it as I laugh at him.

"Skye! I forgot you haven't met Cam yet." I say. "Um, Skye, this is Cam Cameron."

"Hi." Skye says waving.

"Cam Cameron, this is Skye, my cousin." I say introducing them.

"Okay, well, great catching up with you, seeing you again." Steven says cutting in. "But we have some unfinished business."

Steven and Taylor strap in as they then say go. They start climbing as Taylor takes the lead. Then she slips and Steven hits the top first.

"Let's go, Steve-O!" The boys yell as the girls take the loss.

"Well, I don't know about you, Belly, but I think it might be time to shoot your shot." Conrad states walking up to us.

"Oh, you're on." Belly states with confidence.

Oh boy.

487 words. Wow so winter break is over. I posted a TikTok abt how you guys will NOT like the ending. Oh boy I can't wait!

The Summer I Found You • Steven ConklinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora