Life is just perfect

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"So this is why you haven't answered any of my phone calls and texts?" Jere asks us pissed.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Conrad asks.

"We're going to lose this house. Mom's house." I state trying to get that in his head.

"Why would your dad sell this house?" Belly asks confused.

"Your not apart of this." I say.

"He's not." Conrad says after. "Our Aunt Julia is."

"Susannah's sister?" Belly asks.

"No our fucking grandpa. What do you think?" I say sarcasm in my voice.

"Half sister. Apparently, the house belonged to the both of them. And then when Mom..." Conrad quickly says after me.

"Now Aunt Julia owns the whole thing, so..." I say not happy with this situation.

"Okay, we'll just call Dad and figure something out." Jere states.

"You think I haven't already done that? He says legally the house is hers."

"Okay, then he'll buy it." Jere responds to Conrad.

"He doesn't have the money to buy it. We've tried everything." I tell Jere. "Between Brown and the medical bills and the..."

"Yeah, I know how much the medical bills cost
because I was there." Jeremiah says pissed. "How long did you know about this and not tell me?" He says turning towards Conrad.

"Jere, this was all happening so fast. I was going to tell you after I'd taken care of it."

"And this is you taking care of it?" Jere asks laughing. "Going AWOL, ditching school,
not talking to us."

"fuck school! I don't care!" Conrad says as his voice cracks.

"Connie, you have to go back or you'll fail your class." Jere argues.

"How are you going to become a doctor if you fail out of college, Conrad?" Belly asks worried.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Conrad says pissed at Belly.

"Seriously? We went to Brown to check on your ass." Jere says after Belly looks at him to know what to say to that. "You know what? I didn't think you'd pull this shit again. But you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself." Jeremiah says as he then leaves the room.

"Sorry if me being here is weird." Belly says to break the silence. I roll my eyes and sit on the couch. "So, the-the house..."

"It's for sale. And Jere doesn't even care." Conrad states looking at the pictures on the fireplace.

"Of course he cares. But he cares about you more. After everything that happened... you go missing? I mean, he thought something really bad happened to you. We both did." Belly argues.

"Ok this is awkward and just you two being in the same room is probably making you guys wanna open up and that's stupid because you guys are broken up." I say getting up and leaving to go to the pool.

"Your eyes are really pretty." Steven says tucking a price of my hair behind my ear. We both lay on our arms looking at eachother. The sand was warm under the blanket and the sunset was beautiful over the water.

I lean in and kiss him. His soft lips against mine. I get the butterflies just being near him. I could never imagine being in love with someone that didn't make me feel like this. Having to live life without this boy feels like the worst thing ever.

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