In Love

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"Hey." I say smiling as I answer Stevens call. "I'm at Gigi's house right now, did you need anything?" I ask.

"No, I just, wanted to talk. Sense your busy I'll let you guys have fun." Steven says into the phone.

That was such a lie. I needed to tell her how I felt. Ever sense we got together I've felt guilty. Like I'm just another problem in her life. She deserves someone better. Someone that can make her happy through all the fucked up shit going on.

"Ok well, but love you." I say smiling as Gigi giggles. "Shut the fuck up." I say laughing as I throw a pillow at her. "Ok bye." I say as I hang up.

"By-" I get out before she hangs up. "Love you." I finish sadly.

"So, has Steven been acting different?" Gigi asks as my smile drops a bit.

"No, he's still distant. I haven't seen him in so long. He hasn't came to visit and I'm to scared to go visit because what if he doesn't love me anymore." I rant on tk Gigi.

"No, no he loves you. It's just, you're mom's cancer was so hard on you last time. And now that it's back, he's probably just scared that he's a problem added into your life. I mean it's Steven, he's not the most confident." Gigi tells me.

"Wow," I say letting out a sigh. "I guess I never thought of it that way."

"You should visit him soon." Gigi tells me as she puts a hand on my knee. "Now let's stop with all the sappy shit, let's have fun!" She says throwing a pillow at me as we laugh.

"Belly. Belly, come here." Taylor says as Belly starts to walk by.

"Hey, sis. Sis, sis, check it out, check it out, check it out." I say seeing her as I stop the beer with a knife and it's sprays all over her.

"Oh, my God." Taylor says as I laugh. "I can't believe you did that."

"This party sucks." Belly says more pissed off then what she was.

"Dude, it's beer, man. It'll dry. Chill." I say high fiving my friend.

"I'm leaving, okay?" Belly states.

"Wait, wait, did something happen?" Taylor asks worried.

"No, nothing happened. Whatever." Belly waves it off. "Steven, can you just get Spike to drive you home, please?"

"Spike? No, Spike-Spike is drunk. You-you promised to be my sober ride tonight." I say stuttering.

"Okay, well, I'm ready to go now." Belly says rolling her eyes.

"Okay, well, I'm not." I say laughing.

"Great. Then can you just call an Uber or something?" Belly suggests.

"Why are you being such a buzzkill right now?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I ruining your fun night, Mr. Perfect Valedictorian?" Belly says pissed as Taylor rolls her eyes.

"Kinda, yeah." I state.

"Okay, well, in case you forgot, which it clearly seems like you did, Susannah just died, so
I'm a little bit sad. But please, don't let that stop you from having the time of your life." Belly spits out at me.

"fuck you." I say upset she brought up Susannah. "You know, I lost Susannah, too.
Okay? You don't think I'm sad about that?" I say in disbelief.

"Oh, what, were you crowd-surfing the pain away? My apologies." Belly sarcastically says.

"No, you should apologize. You screwed up, and now everything is weird with Conrad and Jeremiah. I mean, they won't even text me back anymore because of you."

"Okay, guys, listen..." Taylor starts.

"That is not my fault. You can't blame me for you breaking up with her." Belly states tears forming in her eyes.

"Isn't it?! Hmm? I should be celebrating
with them tonight, but they wouldn't come because you made things messy. You had Jeremiah, and it just wasn't enough. You had to have Conrad, too. Then you fucked shit up." I say pissed. "God, you are so fucking selfish."

"Steven!" Taylor says standing up from Milo's lap.

"What? - Are you serious? I had to have Conrad? Are you kidding? I was in love, Steven. Like out of my mind in love. What was I supposed to do?! I know you were in love to! But you are just so insecure and scared so you fucked up and that is not my fault!" She yells.

"You were in love?! How were you in love with two people?! You have no idea what it's like to love someone. You loved Jeremiah and Conrad. I was in love with Vivian!" I yell as she just walks away.

"Belly." Taylor says following her.

She wasn't wrong. I was scared because of what happened to Conrad and Belly. It couldn't happen to us to.

"Hey. Happy almost Halloween." I say knocking on the door.

"Vivian." Steven says in disbelief.

"I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I'm here." I say. I realized that I shouldn't have came. He's been distant and I didn't wanna loose him, this might have just made it worse. "Do you want me to go?" I ask scared.

"No, no, no." He quickly says still not even moving. He looks behind him and shuts the door leaving us outside.

"I wanted to see you. You've been distant and I just wanted to see if you were okay." I state.

"God, I'm so sorry. I promise I wasn't trying to be it's just with college and this whole new Belly and Conrad thing and dealing with Jeremiah texting me about everything." He rants as I smile. "I'm so glad your here." He says as he cups my face and kisses me. I smile into the kiss just glad I didn't do anything to fuck us up.

He looks so good during the fall time.

She looks amazing during the fall time.

"Vivian." Conrad says crying as I answer the phone.

"Conrad? Conrad what's wrong?" I say worried as I quickly slip on my shoes and throw on a jacket.

"The beach house is for sale. You need to get here now." He says as I grab the keys and head towards the front door.

"Oh my god, yea I'm coming." I hang up the phone and go to open the door.

"Vivian?" Jere asks as I turn around to see him.

"I'm going to a friends, I'll see you in a bit. Please be careful." I say as I leave the house.

The house was for sale.

I can't get Steven out if my head.

And I have officially lost everyone except for Conrad.


1101 words! Here's another chapter. I only have a three day school week so there should be more chapters coming next weekend. Like 3 or 4 maybe. I don't know though.

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