Obvious Crush ~ Lissa

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I grab my lunch tray and turn around to scout out the Commons. Tamera and her crowd already snatched the extra-long table near the back. It kills me that no one goes after that table, just because it's taken by the popular kids. Just once I'd love to beat Tamera to that table, just to see what would happen.

"How do you do that?" Bridget stops next to me and gazes across the Commons for a vacant table.

"Do what?"

"Make everything look so graceful. Like the way you just turned around with your tray, like the pirouette of the lunch room goddess. I wish I could move like that."

I'm not listening, because Kaden Hastings just walked into the Commons. He is coming straight for me. I stare down at my chicken crispers and mashed potatoes. The cheap lunch, complete with Jell-O mold and milk carton. Absolutely lame. I can't let Kaden see me with this crap, so I move away from the lunch lines and off to the side.

Bridget must have spotted a table. I follow her as I watch Kaden go to the Á la carte line, where all the populars go. Where you have to pay cash, and most times it costs more than fast food.

We sit down at a small circle table near the back. I poke at my potatoes and find myself staring at Kaden again. How can someone look so incredibly good when he's just going through the lunch line?

"You know, you have the most obvious crush ever." Bridget doesn't bother to keep her voice down.

"Shh! You're supposed to be my friend, Gidget!"

"You'reright, I am." Bridget jumps to her feet and starts back to the front of theCommons, toward the lines. Kaden is paying, and she intercepts him as he turnsto go find a table. My blood stops cold in my heart. I'm going to kill her!


Author's Note: In case you are wondering, Lissa and Bridget are not really in the book all that much, but they are big characters later in the series, so I kept this scene in! Do you guys remember who Lissa is? ^^

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