Getting Permission ~ Kaden

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The doorbell rings. "You get it," Logan says. I nod and leave Logan in the kitchen where he's loading the dishwasher and look across the great room at the front door. Dad doesn't come out of his office to get the door, and Mom went to her room to relax.

I jog across the great room to the door. I pull the door open to see Mirna, looking freaking amazing. Her brown hair is different today. Instead of long and straight, her hair falls down her back in perfect spirals. She's wearing a tight blue top and a jean skirt. Her legs look amazing; her tight clothes really accentuate her curves.

"Hey, Mirna. What's up?" I rub my hair down, worried that I look like I'm falling apart. I didn't spend a single minute on my appearance today. I just showered after our workout this morning and let my hair air dry while I took a nap. My hair is probably a mess. Mirna stares at my chin, and I have to resist the urge to put my hand over it.

Nessa is here. She looks up at me with this adorable puppy dog look, like she's smiling. I can't help but kneel and give her a big hug. "Hi Nessa!" She licks my face, and I can't help but grin. I've always wanted a dog to play with me and stuff. She is so cute.

She's wearing a red harness. I touch it and ask, "Why is she wearing this?"

"It's her uniform. She's a service dog."

Really? A service dog? Why does Mirna have a service dog?

Mirna changes the subject before I can ask. "How are you today?"

"I-am-great." I stand up and lean against the door. Compared to yesterday, today has been so much better. I got to go on a relaxing run with Logan, I took a nap this morning, Logan and I just hung out and played video games all afternoon, then I played hoops with Logan when Mom was napping all afternoon, and I didn't have a seizure all day.

"Really?" she asks with a smile.

I nod.

"That's great, Kaden!"

"I just might make it one whole day," I say.

"Oh, forget the might. You will make it."

"I will?" I can't help but wrinkle my forehead at her.

"Come on, Kaden. You gotta say it like you mean it."

I stare into her amazing sapphire eyes. If I say it out loud, will I jinx myself? Or is that what I need to keep the seizures away? A positive attitude that things will get better. "Okay . . . I will."

"So, um." Mirna plays with her curls. "I was wondering-well I go to this . . . group. It's for people with epilepsy and I was wondering, well, hoping you would come."

An epilepsy group? "I dunno," I say before I even really think about it. But maybe I should go.

Mirna sighs. "Oh come on. Why not?"

I'd have to talk Logan into coming with me. Then I realize that Logan will find out about Mirna's epilepsy if she invites him to come. I haven't told him, so he doesn't know. I sigh heavily. "I don't . . . " I close my eyes and inhale. "You wanna try talking Logan into coming, then yeah." I open my eyes to see her gazing quizzically at me. "I'll come with you."

"I'll do my best," she says after hesitating for only a moment.

I smile. That means she doesn't care if Logan finds out about her epilepsy. She's so cool. I wish I could be like that.

I go back into the house with Nessa right on my heels. Once Mirna follows me inside, I shut the door behind us. We head to the kitchen, where Logan is finishing up with the dishes. "Hey, Mirna's here," I say.

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