Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace

Start from the beginning

(Milos' Coastal Landscapes)

Stepping onto the sacred shores, the friends felt like they had entered a place untouched by time. Milos looked like a natural work of art. They wondered what ancient masterpieces were still hidden in the peaceful hills.

Taking a deep breath of the sweet sea air, Themistonoe smiled peacefully. "Finally, we've reached the place that has the answers. I can feel the mysteries of the past calling out to us from these shores."

Ikkos' eyes lit up with excitement. "Just imagine the old ruins that might be found among these cliffs and groves! History comes alive in a place like this."

Closing her eyes, Mnesarete listened intently. "Every breeze carries the songs of the past. If we open our senses, the melodies will lead us to the long-hidden secrets."

Even the calm Dex allowed himself a small smile. "Nature seems to protect the ancient legacy here. We're lucky to pursue our quest in such a beautiful setting."

Chrysomallo sighed happily. "In your very soul, you can feel how life has thrived here since ancient times. It's no wonder the ancients chose to leave their mark on this special place."

Only Ashamshemesh seemed lost in thought, scanning the trees with a worried expression. "This landscape feels oddly familiar. I'm almost certain we've been here before, in a different era."

Together, they turned to admire the peacefulness—hills, sea, and sky blending harmoniously under the Aegean sun. Milos had welcomed them warmly, and its secrets were waiting to be discovered.

Gently unrolling Echephron's delicate map, Themistonoe spoke to Chrysomallo, known for her excellent navigation skills. "I trust you can lead us based on these markings."

Chrysomallo carefully took the map and studied it closely. She memorized the features and landmarks along the coastline, then looked at the rolling hills and valleys.

After a few minutes of inspection, recognition sparked in Chrysomallo's eyes. "This way, my friends," she said confidently, leading them along a twisting dirt path into the olive groves on the hillsides.

Trusting Chrysomallo's expertise, the others followed her. She effortlessly guided them, pointing out cliffs and formations that matched those on the map. As they prepared to venture further, Ashamshemesh approached a local stable owner who had watched them arrive curiously.

Ashamshemesh talked to the man and pointed to his three patiently waiting camels with their packs unloaded. The stablemaster nodded eagerly, thankful for the opportunity to take care of such remarkable creatures. He knew they would attract crowds and bring business to his stables.

Ashamshemesh paid the man generously for their stay before joining his companions. He gently stroked the camels' soft fur one more time, commending them for faithfully carrying their supplies this far.

With their staff in hand, they ventured into the untamed landscapes of Milos in search of ancient mysteries that still lingered. As they walked and observed their surroundings, they engaged in quiet and anticipatory conversation.

Themistonoe pondered, "Just think, we might be the first in centuries to walk where Echephron once did."

Ikkos wondered aloud, "What ancient secrets might still be waiting to be discovered within these walls?"

Ashamshemesh chimed in, "If his chambers are intact, one can only imagine the artefacts that might still be undisturbed."

Mnesarete thoughtfully observed, "Stepping into a site that has been lost in time for so long will surely evoke deep emotions."

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