BloodBorne Part 2

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Hello and welcome chapter of Bizzare New Game and letting you all know this work and motivation is being appreciated to those who read this chapter for today!

Now without further a do it's time for the newest chapter of Gacha Bizzare Adventure!

Location: Soukai City Outskirts
Time: 6:15 PM
Ji-hon Pov

It's been a few hours now since i traced the scent further deeper into the lesser known areas of the city. It seems the farther I go the quality of the area seems to decline from the buildings being more degraded, the streets littered with simple trash and less and less people wanting to live here.

Though the trail it seems to be coming to a stop at a bar? Hmm seems reasonable to assume they must be from a gang, But how can he get in without getting detected by his rich clothing.

Opening up his [Inventory] he checked the system if he has any clothes and saw he had some of the thugs clothes that were dropped, Seems like the system replicated some of the clothes the thugs used when there was a scuffle.

Granted it may not seem much but it what he can use for now, He would fully equip changing his attire and entered the bar inconspicuous with his mask and cape on to fully hide his features, This place is where criminals gather and gain information seems to be a informant base of some kind.

Location: The Dying Gull

3rd Pov

It was a normal day at the bar where several men were enjoying a drink at the bar serving as much as they could get, Seeing their drunken looks and the atmosphere of criminals conversing with one another like it was normal for them.

Until one moment all of that changed when it arrived the atmosphere around the bar was silent, someone looked at the direction of the door and it opened to reveal a person hooded and masked as if it came as a monster itself. Rumors would spread around soukai city of an impending dungeon break after Jeju Island falling from an S-Rank gate but they would have never expected someone like him to arrive.

The bartender was wiping the glass till he noticed the mask stranger coming inside the bar. Strange enough this mask is not known from the various historical museums he has seen on the news surely this mask would have been from some unknown tribe but he doesn't even seen this type of mask before.

???: "Good evening sir, How can i serve you for today?" The bartender asked, keeping his calm towards the masked individual inside this establishment, His eyes pierce through the mask  those savage eyes linger as if something was about to happen.

That was until the man spoke in a calm voice, It was alluring to the bartender as if something was enticing about that man that made him feel pressured and make him bow down to this person.

[Ji-hon has used Charisma]

Ji-hon: "Hmm, I don't know but can you serve me a drink of your fine wine?" *The voice pierced through the already afraid hearts of the men inside, Sweat poured out of their face and their spines shivered and stood there in shock.*

The atmosphere stood silent and everyone watch in anticipation on what was about to happen thinking it might have been karma for something they have done until one of the person decided to muster up the courage to approach the person and approach him.

Thug 1: "Oi shit-head! Do you think you can scare me huh! Come on then let's see it or are you too scared thinking you aren't that tough?" The poor fool decided to intentionally make the person pay for the fear they reacted.

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