The Law's of the Nature

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Hello everyone! Its very nice to see this story growing at a slow pace. Even if no one wanted to read this or better yet have nothing else to do, I am grateful to show you what i came up with because anyone can be a writer and I wanna share this story I created around here.

Without further a do let's get this chapter on the show!


Location: Redwood Forest
Time left remaining: 2 Hours and 25 Minutes.
Ji-hon POV

Looking at the sky above as i write down what i experience in this adventure today. The Alpha Triceratops was looking healthy after it's rest and relaxation, and yet looking at the current set's of abilities right now, He would try to save up his own money to eventually gain a new power and hope for the best.

While traveling on top of his Alpha Dino there were some questions that remained ontop of his mind as he held tight on the Triceratops as he viewed the [Shop] making sure not to make the same mistake again after being thrown away by the boss of the dungeon.

[Armor Catalouge]

Leather Chest Plate: 1250¥
A Chesplate made and stitched from leather material a basic starting armor for beginning adventurers preparing against challenges to overcome.

Gives an Additional 100 HP
+3 AGI when worn
+2 END

Wolf Bane Coat: 2250¥
A coat made from a Dire Wolf fur that prefers to live on the cold and further shows your enemies your inner beast.

+4 STR when worn
Grants protection towards cold environments

Bear Hood 2350¥
An armor chestplate along with a hood made from the Fur of a Grizzly Bear, wrapped around in a tight rope along with rough leather material providing a strong protection and tough to penetrate pass through. However it gives a high endurance but decreases your speed

+5 END
-5% of Speed from PLAYER
Protects from cold enviroments.

Looking at the beginner armor catalogue before him. And started to buy the Bear Hood along with the Wolf Bane Coat to increase my defensive and Offensive stats overall.

Which would undoubtedly cost me aroind 4600¥ But it us a good investment for his own growth.

Though he would began to start talking to himself wondering on about something in his mind.

Ji-hon: "I have so many questions right now onto the system.. Who made it, what kind of being decided to reincarnate me here of all places. I haven't even learn what kind of people are here yet I keep about the heroes, hunters, supernatural and everyone having powers called quirks." *Thinking about it right now the world he is in seems like a dream of some sort and was wondering if he had completed his task would he go back to that hell?

The endless void where no one was there leaving you alone with nothing but your thoughts. Floating in the endless space where you can only watch, and count how many times till your sanity is gone. Did anyone else suffer from what he experienced?

Yet right now he questions the System itself.. Why was it trying so hard to train him until trying to end him So many questions left unanswered and the possible theories that was left on his mind were confusing and the fact I had new parents that are named "Joestars"

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