Chapter 2 - Leah

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I'm unsure what to say, so I stay silent, stewing over Derrek's next move.

A pressure on my shoulders has them relaxing. Do Foxes have the power to calm down others? Adding that question to the many I have mentally written down, I lean against the backrest.

"After I hung up, I had one of my detectives do a background check on him. As a seer, she could pull up everything on your ex-fiancé. The man is a corrupt, vile piece of shit if you ask me. Thank the heavens you found out and escaped. His first fiancé wasn't so lucky."

I feel as if I was slapped across the face. "Excuse me? His first fiancé? What do you mean by that? I was his first fiancé." Shock slaps me across the face. Maybe Derrek isn't a super. They don't tend to take more than one mate unless they are destined to. Derrek didn't seem to be depressed at losing part of his soul.

Maybe he is just a simple human bastard.

"Crysta—the seer—told me you had no clue. How Crysta described him doesn't surprise me in the least bit. He's a two-faced man who only thinks of his own needs. If you'd stayed with him, you would have been used, abused, and locked within that mansion of his. This is the reason I've asked your neighbors to keep an eye on you."

"You what?" The shock continues to build. What else has she done for me?

She waves her hand at me while walking towards the big bay window. "Oh, hush. The dragons love to protect, and keeping watch over a beautiful young female is a pleasure for them. Plus, any reason to burn a human to a crisp will be taken with glee."

I'd snort if I weren't afraid for my life.

Centuries ago, when dignitaries of Catier first came to Earth, they weren't greeted warmly. Instead, four dragons were tortured, experimented on, and then executed on national television. When word reached their home planet, things didn't go so well for humans on Earth.

The invasion lasted five days. It took them only five days to conquer the entire planet. Using magic, the witches and wizards were able to seek out every single person responsible for the deaths of the dragons. The seers helped determine if the person willingly took part or was forced to. Not many were forced. Half did it out of fear, and the rest hungered to slaughter something they knew nothing about.

The vile humans are talked about to this day. If you're a naughty child, your parents will warn you that what happened to those humans will happen to you.

The wizards and witches erected a sphere in the middle of nowhere for the vile human's punishment. The humans had enough land to build homes for themselves. The only problem was that it was a closed sphere. Unless they allowed the animals to mate and breed for the next year, they would run out of food relatively quickly, which they did.

The next step—I'd rather off myself—was to start killing humans and eating them. This lasted a few months until their numbers dwindled to practically nothing. They didn't learn to save the meat from eating the animals. It's said that the last two humans kept to themselves, neither wanting to be eaten. In the end, they both died of starvation.

The sphere is still there to this day. It's used to place murderers, rapists, and sex traffickers. Having a seer definitely helps bring a lot of these criminals to justice. The government doesn't agree on how the supers took over our due process, but in the end, the people are happy with the outcome. Crime has gone down a lot with their help. That doesn't mean there aren't cheaters, stealers, and backstabbers. The magical world can't solve all our problems, but they try to.

"Crysta said you were a daydreamer. I didn't realize how much until now," Irel says, chuckling. "Why don't you come here, Leah? I want to point out a few homes to you." Waving me over, the smile on her face only grows. How is this lady so darn happy?

Sighing, I go to tell her the pressure on my body won't allow me to move when it suddenly vanishes. Wiggling my fingers, I brace to be shoved back down when I push off the chair. Nothing happens.

Either I'm exhausted, and my mind is playing tricks on me, or there's a super messing with me. The super must want to help me as I'm up and out of my seat and standing at the window in a matter of seconds.

Listening to my instincts, I'm not afraid. No shivers up my spine or tingles along my neck. Whoever this super is, I'm not scared of them.

"The house directly in front of us belongs to a dragon named Fire Starter. One thing you will learn about living here is you only find out their birth name once you've earned their trust. Until then, you will either use a nickname or a title given to them by their tribe, pack, or clan's leader. Fire Starter is a good male. He's older with a mate and two sons who've left their home. Keeping an eye on your home will be good for him as he needs something to distract him from how empty his home is. Those words come directly from his mate. Once she's talked with Crysta and come to meet you, I'm sure she will inform you of her name. Until then, it's Fire Stopper. Yes, she puts out his flame." Snorting makes her shoulders shake with laughter.

From there, Irel points out every house we can see from the window. I'm optimistic she'd take me outside for a stroll down the sidewalk to point out more places if I give any hint in doing so.

After all that is done and over with, we are about to move away from the window when a drool-worthy male runs by my house. The pair of skin-tight shorts he is wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. I'm salivating at the thought of talking to him. "Hot damn!" I murmur, completely forgetting about Irel standing next to me.

I may not believe in love, but I'm down for casual hook-ups if the male looks like this fine piece of specimen.

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