Chapter 4 - Leah

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The hand returns to my back, ushering me forward with slight pressure. This is definitely the same super who comforted me at my dining table.

With nowhere else to go, I grudgingly allow whomever it is to guide me. "You know, it would be so much easier if you just showed yourself and talked to me. I wouldn't be freaking out inside thinking I'll never get back home."

Silence. Not a single sound or shuffle of feet or grunt. How can someone be this silent? Frustrated, I stomp through the sand until I brush through a dense set of trees and bushes. A gasp breaks the peace.

A sudden peacefulness eases in my chest at the sight of a wooden bungalow. It rests half on sand and half above the water. "Is this yours?" I snort the second after the words blend in with the soft waves. Of course, the super isn't going to answer. Why start now?

Going against my better judgment...again, I continue walking until I reach the planks leading to the front entrance of the bungalow. "If you're going to kill me, at least do it fast. I'm a weakling when it comes to pain."

Breath tickles the hairs on my neck, sending a shudder of intense desire along my skin. How does a stranger's breath cause me to pant and clutch at the nearest railing for support? When his lips brush against my skin, I bite my lip to keep the whimper at bay.

Reaching the door, I swing it open to gasp at the breathtaking sight. Flashes of a book I read weeks ago enters my mind. This is preciously what I read about. White swathes hang over a four-poster bed in the middle of the room. It faces a set of twin doors that give way to the surrounding ocean.

There are other doors to explore, and I quickly dash off to do so. I come upon a kitchen, shower, bathroom, and closet. The bedroom was made to be the main sitting area. The owner didn't want guests, I presume.

Stopping in the kitchen, I should be shocked at the warm dishes spread across the table, but I'm not. Coming to Catier has been a whirlwind. If I'm to take Irel's words literally, it's okay to fuck the invisible super pulling out a chair in front of me.

Taking the seat, I stare at the steaming food. I've no idea what any of it is. There's no need to fuss over deciding what to eat when the super places small portions of each dish onto my plate.

"If you're poisoning me, this is a shitty way to go. If you're feeding me, you better not expect me to spread my legs for you afterward."


Ugh, this is going to be a long meal if...Damon—I'm naming it, dammit—doesn't talk to me.

"Damon, I don't know what your deal is, but I've had enough of shitty men to last a lifetime." I don't expect him to say anything to the name I've given him, and he doesn't.

Closing my eyes, I breathe in my nose and out my mouth half a dozen times. "My past isn't pretty, Damon. I have trust issues. With you being invisible, I don't know what you're doing. I can't trust you not to kill me or another." Gripping my fork tightly, pain slices through my hand when a drop of blood hits the pristine white wooden table.

Soft fingers uncurl mine as a cloth is placed against the bloody cut. Still, Damon doesn't say a thing.

"Can you not speak?" Sighing, I bite my lip. "If the answer is yes, pick up the salt, if it's no, lift the napkin.

The napkin floats in the air.

Gasping, I look to where this super has to be.

"Do you plan on killing me?" Not that I think he will tell me the truth. What murder tells a person they plan on slaughtering them before doing so?


I mentally brush the sweat from my forehead.

"Do you want me as a fuck buddy?" This excites and scares me. I don't believe I'm ready for sex right after running from Derrek. The fear of him turning up to drag me, kicking and screaming back to Earth, clenches my heart, holding it hostage.


"Do you have a mate?"



Air rushes from my lungs.

"Am I your mate?" Is it horrible of me to wish he is and that he's not? I want to be truly loved by a male, not be his possession.

Both are lifted.

Mentally running through all the information I know about supers, my brain latches onto a detail. "You're a super who has no fated mate until your soul locates them?"


"But you also said I wasn't your mate. Does that mean your soul hasn't accepted me yet?"


"And this is a test run to see if we work together?"


Groaning, I toss my head back. "You're too complicated, Damon. I'm either your mate or not."

When neither item is lifted, I sit silently and contemplate why I'm becoming furious at this invisible man. I ended a relationship with a male who controlled where I went, how I spoke, who I spoke with, what I could eat, and what I could and couldn't do.

I'm an idiot to want a mate right now.

The only thing I should be focusing on is self-care. Finding out who I am and how to live without a male commanding my every move.

"Thank you for the meal, Damon. Since you clearly have a connection to my house, I can't kick you out. I ask that you don't consider me your mate or whatever I am to you. I'm a roommate. Clear and simple. If we fuck, there's no strings attached. I'm not ready for a relationship, and honestly, I don't think I can have a healthy one with a male I can't see, feel, or talk to."

When neither object lifts for a second time, I pretend Damon isn't nearby. For my sanity only.

When I return to my house, the first thing I'm doing is calling Irel and asking her who this super is and how I can coexist with him in the same house.

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