Chapter 9 - Leah

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I bite my lip and keep my eyes closed when Damon's hand slides further up my shorts until the tip of his finger teases my clit. I'm buying these shorts in multiple colors the next time I go shopping.

"One more thing to know about sex demons, Leah, is that they are possessive of their mates. They may be the most dominant males alive. Giving others orgasms is playtime for them," she states excitedly.

I don't dare look at her when Damon flicks his tongue across my collarbone. A shudder of desire races across my chest, perking my nipples to attention. They ache to be twisted and sucked on.

The sound of her chair shifting back doesn't draw my attention away from Damon. I secretly hope Irel leaves right this instant.

It's wrong of me on so many levels to be silently kicking her out after she's helped explain sex demons.

"Leah, if you decide to go forward with Damon, you must understand how possessive he can become. How erratic he will be when another male flirts with you." Her harsh tone has my eyes snapping open and a gush of air leaving my mouth as her eyes narrow at me.

"As in, I'll be in danger?" Damon's finger slides underneath my undies to flick my clit. I nearly jolt at Irel, saving myself at the last second. Holy fuck, what is Damon doing to me? I know I haven't had sex in a hot minute, but to react to a simple touch in such a violent way? I must be losing my mind.

She crosses her arms and taps her foot. "Yesterday, Damon knocked a picture frame off the wall when you said Creal was cute. If you'd have gone out there and flirted with Creal, Damon would have had the right to challenge him. I don't have to tell you who would have won that fight."

No, no, she doesn't. Damon would have won. "Is that something he will do with every male who talks to me?" I go to swat at Damon's hand when I remember I physically can't touch him.

This sucks. Throwing my head back, I groan in frustration.

"No, only the ones you desire. Remember, he can scent your arousal. It won't lie even if you attempt to."

Squeezing my eyes shut, I try not to tense when a tongue slides up my inner right thigh, making it shake in anticipation.

There is no way a male can get between a female's legs and not taste her. Fuck! It's been months since I've felt a hot mouth sucking at my pussy.

The sound of dishes being placed in the sink is barely noticeable over the desire pulsing between my legs.

When my shorts are ripped down the center, my fingers grip the table's edge harshly. Oh fuck!

I peek out of my right eye to see if Irel is watching me. She's not.

When Damon's sharp tongue slides over my soaked undies and down my other thigh, I nearly cry out in desperation. One hand reaches under the table to try and grab onto the male's head, to bring it where my body hungers the most for him. There's nothing between my legs but air: no mouth, head, or body. I can feel him against my skin but not see or touch him, and it's unbearable torture.

"Irel..." I croak.


"Can a sex demon drive a human insane with his mouth and fingers alone?" My nails dig into the table with every sweep his tongue does of my sensitive clit. The man is deliberately hyping my body up.

Cackling, Irel shakes her head at me. "Is he right now?" she asks giddily. Without missing a beat, she clears my dishes from the table and places them in the sink.

"Irel," I warn when she steps closer to me. I'm not that close to the woman. We've been in communication for two weeks, that's it.

Fingers press against my cloth-covered clit. Pinching, twisting, and flicking. It takes everything in me not to shout out in desperation. To beg him to let me cum.

Stopping short of seeing my naked lower half, she halts, realizing what she is doing. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got carried away. Please forgive me."

The fingers tease along my skin and undies line. Sliding underneath to caress my silken clit before retreating. The motion has me bucking, demanding that shove over the edge. I'm salivating to cum. This male is a sadist, wanting me to suffer.

"Nothing to forgive, I'd want to see too." I don't know why I say that. None of the couples Derrek and I hung out with turned me on.

Irel turns towards the front window, pressing a button on the screen that followed me from my bedroom. The curtains slide open, caressing my skin in a warm afternoon glow. "No one can see in. It's one thing I loved about this house when it was first presented to me. If you can believe it, I put in an offer, but the seller only wanted you," she snorts. "You're a lucky bitch, Leah."

I think we will get along perfectly if she's got a potty mouth—Derrek hated my potty mouth. "Are you furious you didn't get it?" I can no longer hold in my deep, throaty moans. They have a will of their own.

"Oh goodness, yes! Not in the way you think, though. I'd give anything to be in your seat right now. Every female in the galaxy will want to be you, Leah—the female who stole the sex demon king's soul. The female who was given the sex demon's heart from the palm of his hand," she reiterates.

Damon bites down on my covered clit, hitting me with a petite orgasm. It sweeps through me, warming my body.

"I'm going insane, aren't I? His tongue isn't on me. There can't be a ghost of a male between my legs right now. Right?" Please don't be a dream. If I'm still in the dressing room on Earth when I wake up from some unknown drug, I'm going to be mighty pissed! "Or am I dead, and this is heaven?"

Irel snorts somewhere close by. I've closed my eyes, relishing in the pleasure. He's spread my legs, giving him ample room to shift his body closer to mine. Clawed fingers rake up and down my thighs, drawing breathless whimpers from my lips. I crave more. I thirst to feel the bite of his nails along my skin, reminding me I'm alive and safe.

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