Chapter 1 - Leah

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"Thank you so much!" I can't stop cheesing as I accept the keys from Irel, my realtor. New beginnings are scary but also exhilarating for me. Moving to another planet is definitely the most significant start-up I've ever done.

Leaving Earth and the bastard that made my life a living hell was the scariest thing.

Irel smiles warmly at me, her golden tail swishing side to side behind her. "You're welcome. I hope you truly love living here on Catier. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. I know moving to a different planet can be nerve-wracking." Patting my hand, she lets go of the keys, officially ending the transaction.

I never thought I'd move to Catier or buy a house by age twenty-two, but here I am with keys in hand. "Is there anything I should know? Any tips? I don't want to screw up or offend someone." Now, that would be dangerous. Pissing off a supernatural being would be one of my worst nightmares.

Thinking on it, maybe moving to a planet full of creatures with abilities wasn't such a good idea after all. Humans are considered puny, worthless beings. With no magic, shifting skills, no fire to breathe, or wings to fly with, we are useless. Who would want to mate with us?

"Why don't we go inside, shall we?" Using her hand to indicate the front door, I follow her lead and head inside my single-story home.

It's not much—a starter home for me. With my history on Earth, I don't believe in love. Having children has always been my dream. He crushed that desire.

I inhale the clean house smell as my fingers along the wall in the mudroom. It's a two-bedroom, two-bath. I lucked out on the large kitchen and backyard. That is what I'm most excited about. There is even a covered patio so I can sit outside even when it's pouring down rain or snowing.

I gasp at what I see once I'm through the front door. "What is all this?" Leaving behind my old life was hard. Finding out your fiancé is a powerful murdering mob boss puts a damper on a relationship. He thought he could hide that side of himself until after the wedding, locking me in.

I ran the first chance I had. Never looking back.

I know there's a chance he's a super—his anger and jealousy issues should have been big bright red flags. I was young, dumb, and in love with him. Nothing could have changed my mind until that fateful night three weeks ago. Watching him slice the throat of a young man has left my stomach revolting and my mind screaming.

Shaking those dangerous thoughts out of my head, I continue down the hall until we reach the kitchen. It's fully stocked, from what I can tell. There's even a couch, a jelled wall for watching movies, and a painting of what looks to be a female being pleasured. I squeak when I see it and turn around with warm cheeks.

"A generous benefactor donated everything you see." Holding up her hands, she shakes her head. "I won't tell you who they are, so please don't ask. I will tell you that you won't have any trouble with anyone here. Everyone is loving and kind. If there is a problem, it's dealt with immediately instead of prolonging it. We try not to backstab each other as it only causes lengthy complications. This means that if you have issues, deal with them right away. Talk to the person and clear things up; don't let it fester."

Clearing my throat, I stumble to a kitchen chair. "I'm sorry, this is all just so overwhelming. I wasn't expecting any of this. When I left, I—

I can't finish the sentence. The pain of leaving everything behind is earth-shattering to me. I hated abandoning all my treasures, but I knew if I packed a bag with all my valuables, my guards would have questioned me and informed him. I'd never be given a chance to escape until after the wedding.

I used wedding dress shopping as an excuse to leave the house. I've no idea if he saw me the night he ruined us. The chance is low since he'd have never let me leave the house. While shopping, I slipped out the back employee entrance while they were selecting dresses for me.

I ran away and never turned back. Honestly, I'm surprised I was able to purchase this home. I had to use my real name while signing the papers. Knowing him, he's put out a police report about me being kidnapped. If not a police report, he's sent his men out to hunt down any information. The second the house's information appeared online, he would have been notified.

This means I need to find a male strong enough to protect me. Not one who will want to be romantic with me, just a friend or ten I can count on when the 'King of the Damned' shows up.

His title should have been the third red flag.

"Leah," Irel calls my name, "Honey, it's okay to have a past. We all have something. Though, I do want to let you know we know about Derrek."

My chest constricts at hearing his name. Clenching my fists, I search the room for the bastard. Is he here? Did he send his men after me? "How?" I squeeze out. This can't be happening. I thought I was here.

I go to jump out of the chair when a force has me locked in place. Instead of it frightening me, a warmth caresses my skin, seeping into my bones.

She tries calming me down by squatting in front of me, showing her hands in a surrender position, but it doesn't work. Does she know about him because they are friends? Did he call and find out where I'm living now?

"I didn't tell him where you are living, sweetheart. He called my office and demanded to know what home you were buying. According to him, you used his bank account. If he still has access to your account, I'd change that if I were you. I didn't feel bad about telling him to shove it because he isn't my client. Especially after the vile words he spewed at me." She shakes her head in distaste.


Advanced Chapters are available to read on Ream! The link is on my page.

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