Chapter 8 - Leah

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"You asked me earlier if you would become addicted to Damon giving you orgasms. The answer is no. You won't become a mindless junky. The bond will prevent any addiction. It wants true, honest love. Nothing manipulated. It's why supers aren't forced to be with their soulmates. They break the bond before it's completed and walk away if they don't fit together."

Oh, thank goodness. If I become addicted to Damon's orgasms, there'll be no hope for me to escape unless Derrek kidnaps me, and that's not an option either.

"That's where this property comes into play, Leah. Since your mate owns it, the documents will have to change. You won't owe the bank anything. That contract is null and void. Damon holds the title, not the bank. Since you are his soulmate, he can't legally sell it to you, and you can't buy it from him. He can only gift you the house if you were to part ways. Otherwise, if you complete the bonding, your name is added to the title." Irel beams excitedly at me. Her eyes flash with her fox.

She pulls a packet from her purse and sets it down on the tablet. Once you sign this, the down payment money will be returned. "I've asked the bank to give it as cash."

Licking my lips, I savor the taste of the meat as Damon feeds me the last piece. "What about the electricity and water? Everything else I set up to pay?"

I wish I could throw myself at Damon. Right now, I need a hug as my emotions go haywire.

She shakes her head. "You're not understanding me, Leah. The house was never truly up for sale. You have no bills. The house is paid for. Sex demons have accounts set up for this exact reason. We've discovered most female humans won't accept a house as a present. I don't know why I didn't see the notes indicating the sale was for a sex demon. They should have been there but weren't. If I'd have seen them, I'd have done the paperwork a little differently, and you'd have moved in the day you showed up in my office."

With my stomach full, I rest against the chair. Irel isn't wrong. A house as a present from a male I don't know speaks of all sorts of bad juju. I'd have run far away if she had given me the keys that day.

"It took me all of last night to dig into the true owner of this place. After the painting fell, I had suspicions; I just had to verify them. I knew I had to tell you immediately after learning it was Damon. It changes things for you and this street."

Damon doesn't do anything. I've no idea if he's still in the room with us. Why does that thought make me sad? Is this the bond's emotions rising up for me to acknowledge?

"Why is that?" Please don't tell me I stepped into another drama club. I had enough of that with Derrek's coworker's wives. I don't need it here. Snooty-nosed women are the worst.

The warmth in her eyes vanishes. "I wasn't the only one looking, Leah. Someone hacked into our system. It's not your run-of-the-mill human computer, Leah. On Catier, everything electronic is created and manned by the fae. To hack into one of their systems means it wasn't done by a human. They'd have to be a super. The only man searching for you is Derrek and his people. No fae would dare trade such information to a human. Because once we catch whoever stole our data, they will be banned from Catier for life. That isn't something any super could survive with.

"And that's not all either. Since you are Damon's mate, that makes you the future queen of the sex demons. Once word reaches certain ears, this street will be crawling with sex demons wanting to hand their future queen a personal gift in hopes of winning the favor of their king. Other supers will crave to touch you. To bed you, Leah. To have you give them an orgasm."

"Why me?" The one thing I was thankful for was that Derrek loathed having sex in front of his men. He was a possessive man, and no one was permitted to see me in such a way. Or hear me, for that matter. He always said my moans were for his alone.

"Damon, this is all rumor. If it's wrong, please raise the napkin." Irel looks at me. Her eyes searching mine. For what? "As queen, the power you have over female orgasms is stronger than that of your kings. Rumors say that when the queen gifts an orgasm, the female will become pregnant."

Irel stops and waits for Damon to lift the napkin. When he doesn't, she continues as I'm reeling with this new information. I can help females become pregnant with simply gifting her an orgasm?

Hot damn, I'm good.

"It's why your king is the owner of all the sex demon clubs. When you decide you're ready to visit one, and you will if you mate with him, Damon will have his men vet each couple before they are allowed within the club. Rumor has it that the last king accepted money, bribes, and objects as payment for his queen's orgasms. Only the rich could afford them. The darker information states if the couple weren't rich, he'd allow them to service him first. If my hunch is right, that isn't who Damon is. Not with you as his queen. Am I wrong, Damon?"

He doesn't lift a thing.

"You will help the couples who've tried for years to conceive, won't you?" She asks him gently.

I don't realize I'm holding my breath until the yellow fruit is lifted. Exhaling harshly, I close my eyes at the implications.

Irel continues talking, not stopping for me to let everything sink in. "Before that happens, you must accept him for who he is without seeing or touching him. You can't see him because the bond wants it that way. You will fall in love with him for who he is, not what he looks like."

"Is he hideous?" I joke, even though I know looks don't matter to me; it's what's inside that counts.

Derrek is a beautiful man. When he stepped into a room, all eyes greedily ate him up. On walks, females would do double takes. Sometimes, they ignored me in hopes of getting him to walk away with them. It never worked. Derrek had it in his mind that I'd be snatched up by another male if he wasn't by my side when out in public. I don't know how Damon got Derrek to allow me outside the house without him when I escaped. I'm sure Derrek is furious about it. The one and only time I go out without him, and I make a run for it.

Damon's hand grips my thigh tenderly. His thumb rubs back and forth, grazing underneath my summer shorts.

"Sex demons aren't hideous, Leah. They are the most beautiful supers on both worlds. If you were to see Damon before getting to know him, neither of you would know if his looks or true love bonds you together."

Heated lips brush against my ear as sharp teeth nip it.

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