41 Family Figure

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Jisoo scanned the dining area, her eyes landing on Jihoon who was casually enjoying the buffet alongside Jungkook. Surprised to see them together, she approached them with a mixture of curiosity and concern evident on her face. "Jihoon, I was looking for you," she stated, a hint of worry in her voice.Jihoon glanced up, a sheepish smile crossing his face.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo noona. Jungkook hyung invited me for breakfast," he explained, attempting to sound innocent.

"Hyung?" Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She wondered when her brother and Jungkook had developed such a camaraderie in such a short span of time. "Since when did you two become close?"

Jihoon exchanged a knowing look with Jungkook, both suppressing laughter. "It's a long story. You don't need to know all the details." Jungkook said with a mischievous grin, adding a sense of mystery to their newfound bond.

Jisoo blinked, trying to process the unexpected closeness between Jihoon and Jungkook. She couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled by their sudden rapport but chose not to pry further, assuming there was more to their connection than met the eye.

"Alright. Well, just don't be late, Jihoon. We have a bus to catch," Jisoo reminded him, her tone gentle yet firm. "Where are we going?" he asked curiously.

"We're heading home; we won't be staying here longer," Jisoo replied before Jihoon could answer, a sense of determination in her voice."Is everything alright?" Jihoon asked, concerned about his sister and Joshua.

Before Jisoo could respond, Jungkook interjected, suggesting they should keep the plans going. He seemed insistent on continuing their scheduled activities despite the recent turn of events.

Jisoo glanced at Jungkook, curious about the interruption. "What's up?" she inquired, wondering what Jungkook had in mind."Before we head back, I have an idea," Jungkook began, his eyes brightening with enthusiasm. "Why don't we plan something exciting for the day? A change of plans might just be what we need."

Jisoo hesitated for a moment, considering his proposal. "What do you have in mind?" she asked, intrigued by the prospect of an impromptu plan.

"I'll list out a few options, and we can decide together," Jungkook replied, already pulling out his phone to jot down some ideas. He began suggesting various activities and places they could visit, eager to create a spontaneous and enjoyable experience for all of them.

Jungkook excused himself to make a call, leaving Jisoo and Jihoon at the table. As Jihoon busied himself with breakfast, Jisoo took the opportunity to inquire, "Has he forced you to get close to him?"Jihoon shook his head, a hint of curiosity in his expression.

"No, he's actually a good guy. But wait, do you know him? I mean, yesterday wasn't your first meeting, was it?"

Jisoo fell silent for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "Ah, your silence means yes," Jihoon observed with a smile. "I'm not trying to be biased. I respect Joshua, but I admire Jungkook."

"You don't know him, Jihoon. And I'm in a relationship with Joshua," Jisoo retorted firmly, trying to dismiss Jihoon's observation.Jihoon nodded, but in his view, Joshua never seemed to prioritize his sister. "I admit you look happy with Joshua, but it seems like Joshua always feels burdened by us," he remarked, trying to express his observations about their relationship.

Jisoo frowned slightly, feeling the weight of Jihoon's words. She had sensed Joshua's struggles, but hearing it from her brother added a new dimension to her thoughts. "It's not like that," she defended, though a hint of doubt lingered in her mind.

Jihoon glanced at his sister, concerned about her well-being. "I hope everything works out well for you, noona," he said, returning his focus to his breakfast. They continued their meal, both lost in their own thoughts about the situation.


“We're going to meet someone who'll be a good tour guide," Jungkook explained, enthusiastically sharing the day's plans.As Jungkook spoke, Jisoo was busy fussing over Jihoon, reminding him about wearing his jacket and gloves. Her tone sounded slightly annoyed, prompting Jungkook to observe, "Does your sister always behave like that?"

Jihoon nodded, understandingly. "Yes," he replied, recognizing the familiar motherly tendencies in Jisoo. He contemplated the absence of a traditional family figure in Jungkook's life, wondering what it was like for him. "Some sisters tend to take on that role to ensure we don't feel left behind or disadvantaged compared to other kids."

Jungkook smiled, appreciating Jihoon's understanding. Their conversation flowed, and Jihoon inquired further, "Do you often travel or go on trips?"

"Yeah, I usually prefer solo trips. This is actually my first time on a family trip," Jungkook replied casually, but the mention of 'family' seemed to catch Jihoon's attention.

"Family?" Jihoon asked, curious about Jungkook's reference.Jungkook hesitated for a moment, contemplating his words. "Well, not in the conventional sense. More like a chosen family," he explained, gesturing subtly to Jisoo ahead of them.

Jihoon nodded, understanding the sentiment. It seemed Jungkook's perspective on family was different, and it intrigued Jihoon, prompting him to learn more about Jungkook's unique experiences.

"Is there a way to stop your sister from nagging? It's been 20 minutes," Jungkook asked with a playful grin.Jihoon chuckled, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "You can try staying silent, eventually, she'll stop," he teased, sharing a lighthearted laugh with Jungkook.

Suddenly, Jisoo turned around, her voice tinged with irritation as she asked, "What are you guys laughing at?" Her tone made it evident that she was slightly upset.

Jungkook and Jihoon immediately straightened up, trying to appear serious. In unison, they responded, "Nothing, ma'am," trying to stifle their amusement.Without missing a beat, Jisoo continued directing them, "Walk faster then!" Her tone still held a hint of annoyance as she briskly continued ahead.

Jungkook glanced at Jihoon and smirked, both sharing a knowing look, understanding that they'd have to deal with Jisoo's motherly tendencies during their outing. With suppressed grins, they hastened their pace to catch up with her.

As Jisoo continued her maternal-like guidance, Jungkook found himself enchanted by the familial dynamic. For the first time in his life, he experienced the warmth of someone caring for him, even in seemingly mundane situations. His heart warmed as he watched Jisoo fussing over Jihoon, her protective demeanor unfamiliar yet oddly comforting to him.

He stole glances, observing their interactions, the banter, the occasional disagreements, and the laughter that ensued afterward. These everyday moments that formed the core of family life seemed extraordinary to him, a treasure trove he'd never encountered before.

"Your sister, she's something else," Jungkook remarked to Jihoon, his tone tinged with a sense of wonder. "This feels different, like discovering something I never knew I was missing."

Jihoon glanced at Jungkook, noticing the subtle astonishment in his expression. "Yeah, family has its moments," Jihoon replied with a knowing smile. "It's like having someone to look out for you, even when they nag you endlessly."

Jungkook chuckled, acknowledging the truth in Jihoon's words. It was an entirely new experience for him, one that sparked an unfamiliar but heartening sensation within him. The novelty of feeling connected, even in the midst of playful complaints, was both foreign and welcoming.

As they continued their stroll, Jungkook lingered a little behind, silently contemplating the newfound sentiment that had settled within him - a sense of belonging he never knew he craved.


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