7: Tragic

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"You haven't signed the contract didn't you?" asked Mark sounding concerned. "I haven't because he said I should understand it carefully, that's why I inform you because Solar didn't tell me about a contract either,"

"Let me see but have you read it?" he asked while slipping through the papers. "Yes, it's mostly about if I ever break any of the rules. I'll be banned from the company and whatsoever,"

"I don't see it as a big deal.. if that's the case. Just sign it right away," Mark put the paper back to her side, "..Okay, but I'm not comfortable with one thing,"

"Which one?"

"The part that, I shouldn't be in a relationship unless it's confidential," she remarks. "That sounds pretty much too much, don't you think?"

"I think what he meant by that, is you can be in a relationship but make sure his friends or anybody who might know you in the event wouldn't find out about it," Mark explained. "Ugh, man.. why is he so damn annoying. The fact that he keeps mentioning not falling for him annoyed me the most. He thinks he's all that, huh?" she complained while rereading the whole contract before signing it.

Mark giggled seeming to enjoy how pissed his best friend was, "Slowly, you'll get why he has that issue," he told her which makes her look him in the eyes with curiosity, "Uh, smells like tea.. is it a hot tea or warm tea? spill it, sister," said Jisoo, teasingly while waving her fingers at him. "There's a lot of assumption why he's acting like that. You can ask Solar about it but one of the assumptions about him is.. he has trauma. He saw his mother kill his dad exactly right in front of him until it makes him not believe in love,"

"That's tragic, but it seems made up. Like, until when are you going to push people around you away, right? Don't you think so?". Mark takes a second to think about what she said before speaking his thoughts, "Everyone has their trauma and I think not everyone will be able to recovery right away. Time will heal but it takes time, you know,"

She nodded but another thought came inside her head, "Or... he probably in confusion..,"

"Confusion about what?" he asked. "About his sexuality," she answered with a grin, "Wow awesome.. it's obvious Mark. He's gay!!," she exclaimed as if she figured out the clues. "Jisoo, where're your manners? It's rude to assume someone's sexuality,"

"But he's not here tho," she looks around acting suspicious. "Still.. but I heard a lot about his family though. A divorcement and all that,"

"Really?," Jisoo leaned herself back and tried to imagine if ever she was under his shoes, "It's petty don't you think?"


Mark sighed softly, "I mean, he living in everyone's dream, born silver spoon but unfortunately he didn't have the perfect family that like any other stereotype portrays,". Thinking about it, Jisoo remembered the sadness in his eyes as if he wish he wouldn't be there.

It makes her eager to know him more, "By the way, I have to go. I need to fetch Solar from the office, wanna have a ride?" asked Mark. "No, it's okay just pass this paper to Solar for me,"

"Aight, see you," Mark leave her. As her eyes were watching Mark making their way to the parking lot she saw her brother with his girlfriend walking down to the other side of the block. "Jihoon? Where are they going?"

Deep down inside her gut, it keeps telling her to follow them. So, she did.


"Jihoon-ah, I wanna go home," Yuri said begging him to listen, "Please, I'm scared," she added.

Jihoon hold her arms and assured her, "Everything is going to be alright, Yuri. We're in this together. After all of this is finished you can finally go home,". He was about to open the door for them to enter but someone came out of now where pinching him in his left ear. "What the hell are you doing here, Kim Jihoon?!,"

"Aw, Noona..it hurts please..ahh," he groaned. Jisoo keeps pinching him until at least 2 minutes before pushing him away and taking Yuri close to her. "Now, tell me, Yuri. What are you guys doing here?"

Yuri's body was shaking, it was pretty obvious that she was scared. "Jihoon take me here to make an appointment for an abortion. So, I could be back home,"

"I thought you don't want an abortion,"

"I don't but Jihoon doesn't want the baby.. he said it's for our future," Jisoo glared at her brother. Feeling pissed off, didn't he think about her future? What if the abortion caused a big impact on her? Didn't he think of that?

"Unnie.." Yuri managed to take Jisoo's full attention to her, "My grandma hasn't known about it yet..,"

"Your grandma?"

She nodded, "I'm an orphan, My grandma was the one who raised me and she's the only one I have," Jisoo was more pissed, "Then, does she know you live with us for the past few days?"

"I lied about my well-being. I told her I sleepover with my friends for a few days," without wasting much time, Jisoo was about to whip her brother real bad.

"Why you lied about it, Jihoon? You should have let me know about this," Jihoon took a step backward. ".. I don't want to be a burden to you. I want to solve it on my own that's why I lied,"

"Huh, and you think I would say that's so smart and considering of you? You idiot, you should have thought all of these before you even do it. You're not the only one who is affected here. This is about Yuri's future too,"

"But noona, I don't want to give up my study..," she slapped him in the face. "You're fucking selfish Kim Jihoon. If only you aren't my brother I'd love to kill you to dead.. really,"


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