23. The Sudden Change

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"Jisoo," someone poked her cheek to wake her up.

"Jisoo, wake up. You've been sleeping for an hour now," Solar shakes her shoulder." Kim Jisoo, wake up,".

After her full name was called, her eyes widened, and looked up at the clock, "How long have I been sleeping?" she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "An hour. Do you want to rest more? Maybe you can go home and we can start over the training tomorrow," she suggested as Jungkook requested. “No. I don't waste time, I will be going and washing my face and start to work,”.

“You sure? Okay. Meet me up later and go fresh up. I think my boss is getting grumpy. I don't want us to get in trouble," she told him. “Jungkook is here? Funny how I dream of him in my sleep,”

“You dream of him?” Solar gasped, but Jisoo quickly shook her off, “No. It is not what you think. I dream of him walking into this room or something like that. It's a normal dream. I swear, nothing weird,” she tried to clear the air. “Okay, you don't have to explain to me, I get it but I still feel weird hearing it from you, anyway, better get to work because he did come here to check on you and I hate it when he just sudden changes of mood came,”

“Okay, I'll catch you up soon,”


Right after Jisoo was able to work because she got enough rest, but then it turned out Jungkook was treating her like madness. Every little thing she does like, make coffee, filling, and even the scheduled arrangement was not right in his eyes. Jungkook was yelling at her for no reason and even embarrassed her in front of the staff by pointing out unnecessary things that weren't even her fault to start with.  “It is your first day of work and you already get on my nerve,”

Jisoo stood up straight and stared at him, “Oh, I'm sorry it's the first day of work here and I tried my best. Probably you could see it. If only, you are not being a bitch," she fought back. “Just so you know, I am the boss here. I stand to speak out when my employee is being careless and unprofessional toward their work,”

She gasped, “So, could you please elaborate? Was it my fault that the windows of the hallway were dirty and did not seem clean to you? You shouted at me and said I should be alert of those things and you shouted at me when I was writing down when you were talking about things that I should do. really? What did I do wrong?” she asked.

“You're not allowed to question, my action. I assume Solar did briefly you about it,” he referred to the guideline. “Ugh, you and those stupid rules. It wasn't mentioned in the guideline that you could just be mad at your employee and expect your employee to suck it up!” the atmosphere was getting intense.

Solar knocked on the door because she could see through the glass wall that they were fighting and their voice was getting a little bit too loud. “Guys, I don't know what is your discussion about.. but I think you need to slow down a bit. The staff could hear you, Jisoo,”

“I don't give damn care if they heard me. I'm sure they would agree with me that this man right here is a sicko!”. Solar pushed to the side to calm her down. “Hey, Jisoo. I know you were mad.. but listen honey. This is a public place and everyone will not be on your side if you're pushing this mad button. Okay? Calm down,”  she whispered.

Jungkook cleared his throat and glared at them, “Solar, could you please tell Ms. Jisoo to fuck off? I don't want to see her in my sight,” he said. Jisoo's ears turned red and burning hot, she was about to explode at the sudden change of treatment he giving her.

“Gladly, I'm leaving!,” she walks to her desk in a hurry which was beside Solar, a snatch her purse. Didn't even bother to look around at them or care about the stares and shit talks she received from everyone that was watching.


She keeps on walking to nowhere. She doesn't go home because she knows she will be meeting that sicko man. At least not for the time being.

She needs some space because what she facing was hard to handle or comprehend. She didn't even know where did wrong. Did she try enough?

She tends to overthink.

“I need to smoke,” she told herself. She checked her purse but she had not enough money to buy a new pack of cigarettes and a can of soju.

“I hate my broken-ass life!” she hissed. “Maybe, you should get back home Ms.Jjsoo,” said the voice from behind her back. She jumped because surprised to see Han was there out of nowhere along with Joseph.

“You guys startled me. Since when you guys were following me?”. Han and Joseph look at each other, before answering her question. “Since we saw you rush out of the office. Joseph and I were at the parking lot because we will pick you up from work when the office time is over,”

“You guys are early, there's like 1 hour and a half time left before office hours are over,” she looked at the time as she was speaking. They smiled, “We know, we just like to hang out around the building,”

Jisoo was not interested to question further about anything. “Come on, Ms. Jisoo. Joseph can drive you home, it's not safe to walk alone around this area,”  said Han, who sounds concerned. “I don't want to go home and see that man,”

“Who? Henderson?” Joseph guessed.  Jisoo sighed and remain silent. The cigarette came across her mind when Joseph mentioned the name. “Fine, I guess I'm going home with Joseph,”.


[A/n: Guys, I keep forgetting things nowadays and I think it is because I am thinking of a lot of things until I can't even focus on one. It feels surreal sometimes because only in writing I could just skip the world for a while and be stress-free

Anyway, I am going to keep it here!
It feels amazing to see the ranking go up so fast in short term. I am indeed grateful because I couldn't pass the rank without the support and love of you guys!]

 I am indeed grateful because I couldn't pass the rank without the support and love of you guys!]

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Lots of love! 💚

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