36. Enigma

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The tranquil park painted a serene picture, the soft rustle of leaves intermingling with children's laughter in the background. Jisoo and Joshua sat on a weathered bench, eyes tracing the playful dance of kids chasing each other.Joshua broke the silence with a hint of concern lacing his words. "Jisoo, I must admit, I'm taken aback by this sudden news about Yuri. Pregnant? How can you be okay with this?"

Jisoo's brow furrowed slightly, caught off guard by Joshua's directness. "It's not about being okay or not, Joshua," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of softness amidst the surprise. "Yuri and Jihoon love each other. Life takes unexpected turns, and they're facing it responsibly."Joshua's concern seemed to deepen, his eyes reflecting worry. "But, Jisoo, have you considered what this means for our family's image? Rumors are swirling about you... whispers of involvement with someone else, of being a mistress."

Jisoo's silence lingered, a contemplative pause as she processed Joshua's words. Her gaze wandered across the park, fixating on a distant tree, its branches swaying gently in the breeze."I haven't entertained such thoughts, Joshua," she finally spoke, her voice carrying a hint of weariness. "But I understand your concern for our family's reputation."

Joshua's furrowed brow softened slightly, a flicker of empathy in his eyes. "It's not just about reputation, Jisoo. It's about protecting what we've built together, ensuring stability for our future."

"I know," Jisoo nodded slowly, her words weighed down by a sense of resignation. "But sometimes, prioritizing appearances can overshadow the essence of support and compassion for our loved ones."A distant laughter of children playing nearby interjected into their conversation, momentarily breaking the solemnity of their dialogue.

As Jisoo listened to Joshua's concerns about their family's image, her mind wandered into a labyrinth of conflicting emotions. She admired Joshua's dedication and care, yet the weight of her concealed marriage with Jungkook pressed heavily on her heart.

How can I explain the complexity of my situation without revealing the truth? Jisoo mused, her thoughts swirling with guilt and apprehension. Her clandestine marriage, a web of secrecy she never intended, now entangled her in a moral dilemma.

Every word Joshua spoke about protecting their family's reputation pricked at her conscience.If only he knew the truth, she lamented silently. But the fear of shattering Joshua's trust and the stability they had built together paralyzed her from confessing the hidden truth.

As the conversation drew to a close, Jisoo plastered a reassuring smile, masking the turmoil within. I must tread carefully, she reminded herself. For now, the truth remains buried, a heavy burden I must carry alone.


In the vast expanse of the mansion, engulfed in a solitude that mirrored the turbulence within, Jungkook grappled with the weight of his actions. Leaning against the window, his gaze fixated on the sprawling landscape outside, thoughts swirled within him like an unforgiving tempest.

"I tied a knot with a stranger, someone I'm inexplicably drawn to... and now she's become an incessant presence in my mind," he muttered to himself, voice laced with uncertainty. "Is this what they call love? Or is it simply an unyielding fascination?"His eyes remained fixed on the horizon, contemplating the enigma that was Jisoo. "She belongs to someone else, and she made that clear from the start," he acknowledged, a tinge of frustration seeping into his tone. "So why do I persist in chasing after her, yearning for something beyond reach?"

A deep sigh escaped him as his hand instinctively moved to rest atop his chest, as if searching for answers buried beneath the layers of his emotions. "What is it about her that captivates me so?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment.

As the weight of his emotions lingered in the empty halls of the mansion, Jungkook found himself in a state of disarray. The allure of Jisoo's presence remained an enigma, an untamed force within his heart.With a heavy sigh, he turned away from the window, his steps echoing through the cavernous rooms. The question of what drew him to her lingered, unanswered, leaving him in a state of tumultuous introspection.

"Should we give up, Jeon?" he murmured to himself, the name reverberating in the stillness.

Doubt cast its shadow across his resolve, a flicker of uncertainty clouding his thoughts.But as swiftly as doubt encroached, a fierce determination surged within him. "I never lost what's mine," he declared softly, his voice carrying a resolute edge that cut through the silence.


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