24. Bitching

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Henderson was surprised to see Jisoo smiling at him with the sweetest forced smile on her face. “What do you want kid? I have no time to joke and play around,” he walked past her, trying to be ignorant.

“Henderson, wait up,” she called for his name and walked at his pace. “What is it? If you want something, you need to say it directly,”. She was hesitant at first but she knows it won't lead her anywhere if she didn't tell him the truth,  “I need to smoke.., you told me if I want to smoke all I need is to see you, right?” she asked him with a blushed smile.

“How bad did you need it?”

She stopped him from walking and turned him around, so they could see each other. “I need it so bad, to the point I would rather die than not have it,”. Henderson looked at her face, she was exaggerating. “You'll get over it. I don't see you're shaking or whatever. Here, try to eat some candy to keep your mouth busy, chewing,” he hands her the sweet.

“Henderson, please.,” she pleaded to him. “Fine, come with me," he gave in.


They sat together in the garden. Henderson was accompanying her while she was smoking. “I feel relief,” she said. “It has been less than a day since I took your cigarette away, but here you're smoking now.For the record, Ms. Jisoo, I won't be nice to you next time,”.

Jisoo laid her back in her seat and breathe out heavily. “It hasn't been a week, Henderson but I feel like I couldn't live here any longer,” He smirked, and gave her a look, “I can sense. What happened to you? Shouldn't you be home with him?” he referred to Jungkook.  “Just the thought of him makes me want to punch the air, right now,”

Henderson just keeps quiet and listens to her talking, “He's being a bitch, getting mad and all fussy for no reason. I swear to God, Henderson. I don't know where I did wrong and he just yelled and I couldn't just stand there and listen to his shit because it just doesn't make sense,”

Henderson nodded, “I get you because I witnessed him being in that what do you call it again?” he pretended to ask just so she could say the word on his behalf, “A bitch, he's being a bitch,”

“Right. That word. He used to treat me that way too though but as time goes by I just tend not to care,"

“He bitching on you too?” he giggled at her question. “Bitching? Is that thing? Well yes, but back when he was younger. Oh God, I can't stand his temper,”

“Oh, he's a total bitch even when he was young. No wonder, I blame his parents for spoiling him too much,” said Jisoo just to let out her thought, “Well, you see. His mother got him when she was still a teen, and growing up, I tell you, his father was barely there,”

“Well, I've been through a lot too but I never used that as an excuse to treat people poorly,". Henderson smiled, “Yeah, I can see that you're a strong lady and I'm proud of you,".

His words make her surprised, “Proud of me?”

Henderson looked away, “I know your past as I do research and I just want you to know minus the smoking habit, I am glad that you're still going and care about others,”. Henderson said as he remembers what she looked when she was still awake asking for Jungkook's whereabouts in the middle of the night.

“I am not as strong as you thought, though I almost gave up and my only reason to stay alive is my brother,”

“You didn't give up though, shouldn't it be something to be proud of?" he asked. Jisoo suddenly feels overwhelmed until it makes her want to cry.  “I ”she doesn't know what else to say but she keeps smoking to avoid crying.

“It's okay to cry, you know. The pain that you have been through has made you who you are today and I understand why you're being hard on yourself because you bottle up everything on your own and just suck it up,”.  Jisoo stops smoking and turns to face him.

“It's hard sometimes, Henderson. I can't just pretend to be okay when I'm not,” Henderson pulled out of his handkerchief and gave it to her to wipe her tears away, “You don't have to explain yourself .. I get it,”.

“Can I hug you?” she asked for his permission. Right after, with one nod from him, she took him into his embrace and cried out loud.“There, Jisoo.. you're doing alright,” he whispered and patted her back.

“Henderson,” a voice calling for his name.

Jisoo turned to the man and that man, Jungkook was shocked to see that they were hugging. “What's going on here?” he asked, eyes focused on the crying Jisoo with the smoke on her finger.

Jisoo stood up and threw the smoke away, before making steps into entering the house. “Henderson, what did you do to Jisoo? Why did Jisoo cry?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing. I heard that someone was bitching at her at work. I was just there to listen to her story,” he answered. “You let her smoke for that dumb reason?”

Henderson nodded, “Well if that person can be a bitch, why can't she? Besides I promised her she can find me if she wants to smoke. That's the deal,”

“Are you calling me a bitch too? Oh, I see it here, you're siding on her now,”. Henderson turned around, “I am on no one side, to begin with. Whatever happened between you two, I hope you guys could just get over it. Kindly reminds you, that you're the one who dragged her into this marriage,"

“So, what about it?”

“If you don't want her. Just don't keep her any longer. You're not the only one who was facing difficulties in life too. You know she has been through a lot. For God's sake, Jungkook. Have mercy on that lady. She's not a puppet that you can play around with,”

He was too stunned to speak, but deep down he knew he was right. He can't deny it.


[I almost decided to not update for today but I need to keep myself busy since I can't force myself to sleep. I hope you guys like it. Thanks for the upvotes!]

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