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"Sorry- sorry" Hermione muttered, continuing to rub the solution covered cotton down her arms in efforts to clean the blood off and disinfect the wounds.

Angelina watched Belle sympathetically, placing her hand gently on her shoulder.

"Hermione hurry up please." Arabella muttered through gritted teeth, causing Fred and I to chuckle.

"Sorry" Hermione whined, "I'm almost finished- just need to clean here- that's it, done." She pulled the pads away quickly.

Arabella sighed in relief, her grip loosening on my hand.

Fred pulled his hand away from hers, jokingly holding his hand in pain to distract her and make her laugh.

She gently nudged him in return, keeping her arms out whilst Hermione applied the bandages.

"You should only need these on for a day or two," Hermione spoke, concentrating as she finished wrapping her up, "- all done."

Arabella looked to her, "thank you Nurse." She teased.

"It's my pleasure," she sighed, overwhelmed and appearing rather tired.

"You're officially off duty," Arabella smiled sweetly, bringing her hand to cup under Hermione's chin, "go to bed."

Hermione nodded, gathering her things and saying goodnight to everyone before leaving.

Arabella then turned to look to Angelina, whose hand still rested on her shoulder.

"Are you okay Ang?" she asked sincerely.
"Am I okay- don't be silly- of course- are you okay?" she stuttered, shocked over Arabella's concern for her.

"I'm all good," she smiled weakly, "now that I've made my point."

I exhaled a laugh, loving how Arabella remained so charmingly cheeky no matter what the circumstances.

I gently pulled her arms up, carefully not to hurt her cuts, dragging her up and pulling her into my chest.

"Ahhh," I sighed sarcastically, "my crazy little angel."

"Oh shush." She mumbled, her voice muffled from my chest.

"Well, I better go and unpack some of my stuff and head to bed," Angelina spoke, "I'll go get the rest of my stuff tomorrow during free period."

"Need me to come with you?" Arabella joked, still cuddled into my body.

Angelina giggled, "no no- you've fought enough for me today."

She leant down to give a kiss goodbye muttering a small "see you later honey" before heading out the room.

Fred exhaled, watching her leave with a smile before falling back against my bed.

"You want to stay here tonight?" I spoke quietly, resting my chin on the top of Belle's head and planting a kiss.

"Mhm." She mumbled, her body beginning to sway due to fatigue.

She pulled away looking up, "or do you think I should go stay with Hermione? She did look rather startled and I don't want her to be frightened or worried-"

"Relax Belle," Fred spoke calmly, raising up from the bed, "I'll go stay with the girls."

"Very heroic of you." I rolled my eyes, "staying with two damsels like the knight in shining armor."

Fred smirked, "no no- don't worry I do not intend to be anything other than a gentlemen."

"Theres a first." Arabella snapped back playfully.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon