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George's POV:

I watched as Arabella's eyes fluttered shut, tiredness taking over, as after a few moments, her breathing turned heavy to show she had quickly drifted off the sleep.

The feeling of disbelief mixed with the undeniable joy was overwhelming.

Ever since Arabella and I had split up almost a month ago, I had longed for her to be back in the comfort of my bed, the safety of my arms.

I continue to gaze at her intently, the moonlight illuminating her angelic face enough for me to see her flushed cheeks and smudged mascara which were caused from what we had just done.

I quietly chuckled at the memory, knowing Arabella's impulsiveness combined with the liquid courage she obtained will cause her major embarrassment tomorrow.

But I didn't care; I had her back beside me after craving her touch and needing her affection for what felt like forever.

I didn't know what this meant for us, or if she would now be willing to discuss the idea of us working things out.

But for now I just wanted to enjoy this moment, listening to her soft breathing as she cuddled closer into my shoulder.

Because I didn't know how long it was going to last.


Arabella's POV:

My eyes squinted open, the sunlight burning my eyes which was shining through the gaps in the curtains.

I pinched my eyes shut again, pulling the covers higher up and snuggling back into my pillow.

My mind then flew back to last night, realising where I was. In response, my eyes shot back open, scanning the room and recognising the twin's belongings scattered around.

I then noticed the muscled arm slouched around my waist, and the bare chest pressed against my back.

I began to re-live the events of last nights, remembering the constant teasing between George and I at the party up until I let my deepest desires take over, unable to resist George any longer.

I had no idea what this meant; I didn't regret what happened between us but knew this led to a difficult conversation about our relationship – or whatever this was.

Whatever conversation we needed to have, I knew I was too afraid to discuss it right now.

I delicately shuffled in the bed, sitting up slightly without removing George's arm from around me.

"You're awake," a quiet groggy voice called from across the room, causing me to flinch.

I looked over, see Fred leaning against his headboard with tired eyes and messy hair.

"5 Galleons says you're completely naked under there." He teased, chewing the inside of his mouth.

I shot him a sarcastic scowl, pulling the covers further up now aware of my lack of clothing.

I brought my hand to graze over the skin of my neck, wincing as I irritated the sensitive skin which was clearly covered in multiple bruises from George's mouth.

"So, are you two finally done dancing around? Are you back together?" Fred continued, nodding towards the sleeping George beside me.

I shrugged and sighed quietly, "I have no idea, but I should probably go."

Fred sighed, seeming slightly disappointed with my answer, sliding back down to his pillows and turning away to give me privacy.

I gripped the covers against my chest, screwing my eyes up nervously as I attempted to shimmy out of George's grip and out the bed.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now