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Arabella's POV:

I checked over at my clock on my bedside – 7:47pm. I smiled to myself, remembering that George had promised to 'pick me up' at eight.

"Arabella, could you re-tie this at the back for me please?" Hermione called over from the other side of our room, standing in front of our mirror looking over her dress once more. "I feel like its going to come loose and-"

"Don't panic," I chuckled, walking over to her with my heels tapping on our wooden floors.

I came up behind her, gently tugging at the threads to untie it, before immediately pulling them slightly tighter and re-tying before looping them in a cute bow. I smiled up at Hermione through the mirror, "that feel better?"

"Much better, thank you," she smiled bringing her wavy hair from the front of her shoulder and tossing it behind her back, smoothing her hands over her dress a final top before nodding her head in approval.

There was a knock at the door, and shortly after Ron's voice came from behind it, "Hi, its me, can I come in?"

"Yes Ronald," Hermione chirped, us watching as she cautiously stepped in, turning over to see us as he eyes instantly widened. He barely gave me one quick glance with a friendly smile before his eyes immediately fell back to Hermione, causing her to blush as he showered her with pretty much every single compliment he could whip up, stumbling over his words and causing me to giggle under my breath.

He walked over to her, politely kissing her once on her cheek, "Are you ready? Harry's waiting downstairs with Gin and a couple of the others."

Hermione nodded, looking over to me, "You coming?"

"George is coming for me at eight, I just got a few final touch ups and we will meet you all down there."

They nodded with a smile, Ron grabbing her purse from the bed and handing it over to her, then taking her hand and heading her out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Now alone, I headed back over to my beside table and grabbed my lipstick, hurrying back to the mirror to apply. The colour was a gorgeous wine red, a colour that Sirius once told me my mother would wear on occasion, and the thought of being connected to her in a small way made me smile.

I leant forward, carefully tracing over my lips and pursing them together, then pouting playfully with a chuckle before putting the lid back on the lipstick. I then reached down to the 'G' dangling from my necklace, repositioning it to the perfect spot on my chest and smiling, remember the moment George had gifted me it.

With that thought on my mind, I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called jokingly.

"You're favourite red headed man in the entire world." I heard George call back.

"Fred?" I asked, holding back a laugh.

There was a brief paused before George replied plainly, "Let me in, before I die of laughter from another one of your incredibly funny jokes."

"The door's open." I giggled.

The door creaked open, in entering George, stood tall in crisp black suit and white shirt, a black bow tie around his neck. He leant against the door frame, him biting back a smirk as he eyed every inch of my body.

"Fucking hell Arabella," George held a hand to his heart, "you look incredible."


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