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Arabella's POV:

I woke up in George's arms, the sting for the cuts on my arms causing my eyes to screw shut.

I sighed a shaky breath, rubbing my eyes as the sun penetrated through the cracks in the curtains.

I shuffled to sit up the bed slowly, cautious not to wake George who was still cuddled into my side.

I looked over to Fred, who was also slowly waking up, stretching and yawning.

"Morning." I whispered.

"Good morning." He mumbled with a lazy smile. "How are your arms?"

"Sore." I shrugged.

"I'm sure they will heal quickly" Fred reassured, stretching again before sitting up in bed and looking over at his clock – 7:36am.

"I better go and get ready." I muttered, immediately feeling George's arm wrap tighter around me.

"Stay" his groggy voice whined from his pillow.

I chuckled, reaching down to thread my hands through his hair, "I have to go get dressed... once I figure out how to shower without getting these bandages wet."

"I can help you shower?" He offered, tilting his head from the pillow as his tired eyes peeled open.

"How noble of you." I teased, causing him to grin back playfully, "but it's okay, I'm sure I'll manage."

George grumbled the word "fiiiine" before falling back into his pillow, finally loosening his grip and allowing me to slither out of bed.

I picked up the clothes and quietly said goodbye to the both of them before leaving the dorm and tiptoeing down the hallway to my dorm.

I slowly creaked the door open and quietly closed it behind me.

Hermione unsurprisingly was already awake, dressed and sat on her perfectly made bed studying.

"Morning Mione." I smiled, trying to be quiet as Angelina slowly began to wake up from the disturbance.

"Morning," Hermione looked to me, "how are you feeling?"

"I feel good," I raised my brow with a small smirk, "these cuts still like a bitch, but other than that I feel good."

"Well, I was actually studying some spells this morning and I think I found something that might help." Hermione advised, crawling off her bed and bringing the spell book and wand with her.

"Morning." Angelina mumbled, rubbing her eyes. I quietly called "good morning" back.

"I don't know how to get rid of them completely, but this spell should certainly help with the pain and heal them a bit-" Hermione explained, standing in front of me, "hold your arms out please."

I did as instructed, placing my arms out ahead of me, as Hermione gently removed the bandages.

Once removed, she recited a spell she read from the book and swished her wand. A small shock shot through my body and caused me to flinch.

"Sorry" she muttered, placing the book down to observe my arms to see if it had worked.

And sure enough, we watched as the wounds began to heal on their own, decreasing in size and redness until they were left looking like small scratches, the pain pretty much completely gone. Angelina sat up on her bed to watch in amazement.

I sighed with a smile, "that feels much better, thank you." She nodded back with a smile.

"I'm going to go to the girls shower blocks and get a quick shower." Angelina spoke, getting up out of bed.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें