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Arabella's POV:

After collecting some of my things Sirius, Remus and I headed back home. I had made sure to leave a note on George's pillow where I had gone and would be back tomorrow morning.

We arrived at our home, and just the sight instantly warmed me. The house was surrounded by vast fields, the landscape painted with blooming spring flowers. I smiled, seeing the various lilies planted at the front of our home; I had planted them a while ago for my mother, and Remus has kept him promise of keeping them well looked after.

"I'll take that" Sirius voiced, taking my bag from my shoulder as we headed to the front door, "Remus but the kettle on would you?"

"Yes dear", Remus cooed jokingly, walking me inside where I was rushed with the homely scent of smoke from our fire and red wine, one of Sirius' favourites.

"Hot chocolate?" Remus asked.

"Or something stronger?" Sirius joked, earning a harsh dig in the side from Remus.

"Hot chocolate would be lovely" I giggled.

Remus nodded, heading off into the kitchen whilst Sirius perched in front of the fire started again.

I sighed with a smile, feeling like a kid pulling a sicky from school. I fell back and crashed into the cosy sofa cushions, kicking my shoes off and curling up with the knitted blanket that Molly had knitted for us a few years back.

Sirius stood up again, satisfied with the fire he had started. "Right, of course we are here to talk about this whole mess whenever you're ready sweetheart," he smiled warmly, calling out to Remus "aren't we love?"

"Absolutely" Remus shouted from the kitchen, over the noise of the boiling kettle.

"But for now," Sirius grinned, scurrying over and falling onto the sofa beside me, "I'd love a Belle cuddle."

I chuckled at him with his arms out wide, falling into his chest whilst he squeezed me tightly.

With the smell of the hot chocolate coming from the kitchen and the crackling fire, I immediately felt that being at home was definitely needed.

********************************It had been a fair few hours now, and we had just watched the sun set over the fields around us, whilst looking through the vast photo albums we had around the house.

Remus and Sirius always felt it important to keep anything they possible could of mine and Harry's parents, as they wanted to make sure we knew absolutely everything about them; it make it feel like we almost knew them they way they did.

Snuggled in between the two of them, I almost didn't hear the 'whoosh' sound come from outside, but with the grin appearing on Sirius's face, I realised he was expecting someone.

He crawled out of his corner of the sofa, opening the door to reveal my little brother, bag on his shoulder and still in his uniform.

"Hi there" he smiled, placing his bag on the floor to greet Sirius with a hug.

"What a lovely surprise my boy" Remus smiled, also getting up from the sofa to greet Harry.

"Well Sirius left me a note in my dorm that Arabella would be here tonight, and I couldn't miss out on family time" Harry spoke, creeping over to the sofa where I was snuggled up.

"You're a lot stronger than me you know?" he spoke warmly, bending down.

"Oh shush, chosen one" I teased, reaching up to hug him, tackling him down to the sofa in the process.

Remus chuckled, wrapping his around around Sirius to pull him into for a cuddle also.

"I'll go make some food then shall I?" Remus spoke.

"Yes, and considered it's not just for the two of us this time, please make sure it's something half decent" Sirius joked, pulling a cheeky face to me and Harry whilst Remus ignored him and headed into the kitchen.

*****************************After we had ate, we spent a few hours reminiscing on the good times whilst Harry and I were growing up.

We even got to hear a few stories of when Sirius and Remus were our age which we hadn't yet heard; like the time when Remus and my dad walked in on our mum dressing Sirius up in one of her school skirts and laughing as he pranced around her dorm room.

After a night filled with light-hearted laughter, I had ended up opening up about everything that went on. I was returned with so much support and love, something that I hadn't realised how much I had missed from them.

Feeling a lot more relaxed and in much higher spirits, we decided to call it a night and head to bed.

Harry so kindly agreed to stay in my room with me, something we hadn't done since we first moved here many years ago.

As Harry got his blow up mattress dressed with his blankets and pillows, he paused seeming to remember something, before reaching in his bag and pulling out a piece of parchment rolled up.

"I almost forgot," he said, standing back up and pushing his specs back up, "George asked me to give this to you." He handed me the paper.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, my cheeks already flushing pink.

"No idea, something soppy I'll bet" he teased. "I'm just going to brush my teeth."

With Harry out of the room, I excitedly unrolled the parchment to reveal what was written inside.

To my darling Arabella,

I wanted to write you a little something to let you know that I miss you, but then once Fred told me I was being needy and you would in fact be returning less than 24 hours later - I felt a bit silly.

I heard you haven't been suspended which is great news, and I also wanted you to know that from what I've heard floating around the common room and the halls, everyone is heavily sympathetic for you.

I know my girl doesn't need sympathy, but I hoped it would make you feel a bit better to know everyone knows what she did to you.

Also, don't panic, but I spoke with Cedric today. I wanted to thank him for what he did at the party; if he hadn't had come to get me who knows what would have happened. He has also been really apologetic since the whole thing, reassuring me that he's letting everyone know you were the victim in all of this.

I'm sure that's because he feels really bad and definitely not because Fred has been giving him the evil eye every time he's seen him.

Anyways, this is becoming a very lengthy way of me telling you I miss you, but I wanted you know how very loved you were and that I will do everything I can to make sure things are better for you from now on.

You deserve the absolute world, and I intend to give it to you.

Sleep well darling,

Your George

P.S Dream of me ;)

I finished reading with a huge smile on my face, knowing George was thinking of me and giving me a more positive outlook on seeing everyone at school tomorrow.

Harry then opened the door, closing it behind him and smiling at the happy expression on my face, "well, what did he say?"

"Just that he misses me."


Another shorter chapter, but you deserve it considering how long I've been gone!

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