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~smut/sexual content warning~


Arabella's POV

It was now the final week of school before the Christmas holidays began. All of us were huddled around the table for breakfast, all talking about how excited we were to spend the holidays all together again.

I leaned into George's shoulder, his arm coming around my body and pulling me in. I quietly sipped on my orange juice, listening to everyone's enthusiastic conversation with a huge grin on my face.

I was actually kind of glad everyone had found out about George and I, because now I was able to publicly show my affection without worrying who might see. Although, I would have preferred the rest of them finding out in another way than finding us half naked against the furniture.

Everyone else at Hogwarts had also rather quickly found out about George and I. Most people were happy for us but I could not say the same for Angelina and Katie. Ginny had told me she had heard the two of them gossiping with some other girls in the bathroom about they thought our relationship was 'bizarre' and they thought I was a snake for not telling them.

Quite harsh if I'm being honest, ladies.

I didn't let them bother me though, I knew they were probably still just hurt about the way things went with them and the twins. Fred still hadn't met you with Angelina since, worried she would get the wrong idea and think he wanted something serious with her.

About 10 shags too late for that I reckon.

I rejoined the group conversation from the comfort of George's embrace when everyone began speaking about the New Year's party. I'd sort of tuned out the conversation until now but I still got the gist of what they were talking about.

"-and then after we have been at the party for a few hours, we could head off to that hill behind the house and take some Firewhiskey with us... and have our own little party." Ron suggested, everyone's face lighting up with approval.

"But won't mum notice we have snuck off before midnight?" Ginny questioned.

"Not after a few glasses of wine she won't." George giggled as I bit my lip to hide back a laugh.

"I think that's a good idea Ron, what do you three think?" Harry asked, motioning to the twins and I.

"Hang on," Fred raised his hand playfully, "Let me ask the boss, Arabella what do you think?"

I raised my brow and smirked, lifting my head from George's arm and turn to Fred.

"Hmmm..." I furrowed my brows, playing along. "Sounds wicked." I giggled.

Everyone cheered jokingly, even Hermione who usually wasn't as enthusiastic about having a party. George leant to kiss my on the side of my head at my temple before bringing his arm around my shoulder once more and pulling me into him.


The three of us were now in Transfiguration's class, our last class of the day.

I was sat in between the two twins towards the back of the class. As it was very close to winter break, Mcgonagall told us we had covered all of the content for the term and gave us the time to make some notes as revision.

The boys of course were not using their time wisely, and instead were imitating the muggle sport 'football' with their fingers as goals and a crumpled-up ball of parchment as the football. Of course, as I was sat in the middle of this, it made it rather difficult to concentrate on any note taking.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin