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~smut/sexual content warning~


Arabella's POV

The night so far had been heavenly.

George and I got comfortable on the mountain on cushions on the floor, him revealing the basket to be full of snacks and some fancy bottle of fizz he had nicked from his dad's supply which he swore he would replace- but I doubted it.

We laid lazily in front of the fire for hours, the roaring flames being the only light illuminating the room dimly.

George had began the night adamant to behave like a gentlemen, pouring me glasses of champagne and leaving delicate and sweet kisses onto my lips every so often. But it wasn't long before our playful instincts kicked in, and we were soon sat shoving strawberries in each other mouths and dying of laughter.

I think we had been there for an hour or so, but in all honesty I had no concept of time whilst I was there with him. It was like time stood still when we were together, as cliché as it sounds.

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when George nudged me as I took a sip of my drink. I turned to him to see his teeth covered in melted chocolate, a cheesy grin on his face. I laughed so hard I spat out my drink, causing George to also burst out with laughter as I wiped my chin which was dripping with champagne.

Our laughter died down, and my mind pondered back to when we first arrived, and how I had asked how he had even planned all of this. I sat up slightly and crossed my legs, turning to ask him, "So anyways Weasley, how did you even plan this? You never actually said."

"Oh you know... I have my ways." He raised his brow, rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek, trying to look all smug.

I shoved his arm, "Oh piss off, tell me." I whined.

"Well you know Lee Jordan from our year?" He asked, to which I nodded. "Well this is his family's like holiday cabin, and he's always gone about how amazing it is to stay there during Christmas, you know how he loves to brag."

I chuckle slightly, nodding in agreement before allowing him to continue. "Well, he drove a hard bargain, but it was worth it because I thought about how much you would love it and-" he paused to meet my gaze, a shy smile on his face, "and I wanted to make you happy."

The dancing flames lit up his face and his cheeks glowed as he stared deeply into my eyes with a small smile. I leaned in to leave a small but firm kiss, "Well, you've made me very happy." I chirped, "What did you agree to for him to let us come here?"

George groaned slightly, I assumed because he was reminding of the deal he had to make which he wasn't rather fond of. "I promised him he could have anything he wanted from mine and George's stock for a month."

"A month!" I gasped, a smile curling on my lips, "Fred's gonna kill you!"

"Well I guess we're just going to have to keep that a secret aren't we." He cooed playfully, leaning it to kiss me on the nose. "Besides, I was adamant on bringing you here, I didn't care what the price was."

Although George shrugged his comment off as if it was standard, I was in awe of his kind words. To think he had gone out of his way to prepare this for me, making arrangements just so he knew he could take me somewhere which he knew I would enjoy- it made me smile from ear to ear and butterflies form in my stomach.

I leaped over to him, placing myself onto his lap whilst he leant against the sofa. I brought my hands to wrap around his neck, gazing at him and the flickering flames danced across his face.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now