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Arabella's POV:

I pursed my lips in anticipation of what question Katie could possibly ask George, especially with the absolute truth guaranteed now with the truth serum travelling down his throat. I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting, but I know it wouldn't be innocent.

"So... George," Katie smirked, "Have you ever fancied me?"

"Yes, at one point a year or so back," George answered instantly, the serum forcing him to speak the truth.

Everyone in the circle 'ooo'ed at his response, many eyes on me to witness my reaction; I forced myself to keep a straight face. Not wanting to glance at George, I instead met Fred's eye in hopes of some comfort. He smiled sympathetically, mouthing 'don't worry about it' – I nodded.

"And do you remember the night of the Yule Ball?" Katie questioned further.

My brows furrowed, why was she bringing up the Yule Ball?

"Yes." George replied as I noticed his chest begin to move up and down at a slightly faster rate.

"You're only supposed to ask one question Katie, those are the rules." Ron stated, his confused look matching almost everyone amongst the circle, except Cedric whose face remained almost expressionless sat beside his girlfriend.

"I'm changing the rules- do you remember sneaking off with me that night George?" Katie pestered, leaning closer.

"Yes, we went up to the Astronomy tower," he spoke quietly, not daring to meet my gaze as I stared at him with confusion and disbelief.

"And do you remember what you said to me? Yano- what made me blush?" she smiled innocently, quickly flicking her glance to me for a second before staring back at George.

"I said-" George paused, almost like he was trying to fight off the powers of the serum, "I said you were gorgeous, and that I had been thinking about being alone with you all night."

My heart sank further, the booming noise of the party surrounding is mixed with the groups shocked and amused reactions becoming deafening as all this new information seemed to be heading to the most unthinkable thing.

"That's enough now Katie." Fred spoke up, him to now seeming panicked.

"One more question before this stuff wears off," she smirked, "What else happened that night on the Astronomy tower Georgie?"

I grimaced at his name coming from her lips, shooting my eyes to George in hopes I wasn't going to hear the one thing I was dreading.

George shook his head, his lips pursed shut and his eyes screwed up, fighting with every once he had not to let the truth slip from the tip of his tough.

My eyes shot back to Fred, pleading for some sort of reassurance from him. Instead, he bit down on his bottom lip and looked down, breaking the eye contact. I let out a sigh, shaking my head in disbelief.

He couldn't have. Surely he would have told me- he cant have.

"Say it George, what happened?" Katie shouted, unable to hide her grin and she perched on her knees, eager for his response.

"We slept together." George let out a huge breath, finally letting out the truth which was fighting to escape.

Everyone gasped, some laughing in amusement and other muttering in disbelief at what they have just discovered.

Everything sounded muffled; the disco lights flashing as I stared emotionless at the ground. I could feel an unbearable heat travelling from my head right to my fingertips and toes, yet the hair on my body seemed to stand on its end.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora