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Arabella's POV

The day went by pretty quick I suppose.

I'd felt a small weight had been lifted off of my shoulders now knowing that Fred was aware of mine and George's situation and was okay with it.

We had gone for breakfast together before heading to our classes. It was the same as usual, Fred and George causing trouble whilst I tried to get them out of it- and a lot of laughter.

Everything I worried about regarding my relationship with the twins faded away once I realised that nothing had changed just because me and George were fooling around.

It just felt like it always had: three best friends. I was so relieved that the amazing dynamic between us was no different.

After class, we decided on a sleepover in the twins' room, now that me and George didn't have to hide. We were planning on going to Hogsmeade, but the winter weather made us decide a cosy night in the dorm room was more fitting.

I headed up to my own dorm room, picking up my spare uniform and comfy clothes to change into, as well as other toiletries to drop off in the boys room before going down for supper.

I'd already told the boys I would meet them in the hall, so once putting my stuff on George's bed, I headed out of the common room and down the corridor.

Before turning into the hall, I saw Professor Mcgonagall walking towards me, looking as though she wanted to stop me for a moment.

"Ah, Miss Potter, I was just coming to look for you when I noticed you werent in the hall already." She stated with a small smile.

"Sorry, is everything okay Professor?"

"Yes yes, I just need to ask a big favour from you."

"Of course," I replied, "What is it?"

"Well, Mr Diggory is having an interview with a journalist from the Daily Prophet and they are wanting to ask him about the Triwizard tournament he won last year. You know, what he did and how he felt, all of that.." she began, rolling her eyes slightly which made me grin a bit.

"I see, and what do you need from me?" I questioned, slightly confused.

"Well, as you were his Yule Ball date, and the one he rescued from the Black Lake in his second task. They would like to also interview the two of you together, and gets some photos for the article also."

"But professor, I went with Cedric because he was my boyfriend, and weren't not together anymore." I replied, my face screwing up slightly.

"I know," he sighed, shrugging her shoulder slightly, "But they have insisted in including you in the article too... Cedric said you would be more than happy to be involved."

"Of course he did" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"So will you? It wont take long and it'll make my job in all this a lot easier. I don't fancy having that writer Rita Skeeter on my case, she can be quite persistent."  She shook her head.

The thought of having to sit and talk about Cedric and have pictures taken with him sounded more like a punishment than anything.

In any other circumstance I would have had to decline. But Mcgonagall was my favourite professor, and she always treated me very kindly, both me and Harry actually.

So as she looked at me with almost pleading eyes, I sighed gently before finally giving in, "Yes okay, I'll do it."

"Excellent, I will let Miss Skeeter know. It'll be after class tomorrow out in the courtyard and it won't take too much of your free time I assure you." She grabbed my hands and squeezed them, smiling at me.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum