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George's POV:

I rushed Arabella back to my dorm room, worried that other students may have heard all the noise coming from Katie's dorm and come out to investigate.

Arabella kept quiet but compliant, allowing me to gently take her hand and guide her through the corridor.

"Hermione, do you have any bandages?" I asked as we reached our dorm, anxious of the open wounds in Belle's arms from Katie's fingernails.

"Yes- yes I have a full first aid kit- I've got bandages and the alcohol solution to clean her- and I have the tape so we can-"

"Maybe just go and get it, quickly." Fred smiled reassuringly, noticing Hermione was quite flustered.

"I'll come with you" Angelina smiled weakly, guiding her back down the hall as Hermione looked back to Arabella.

"I'm quite alright," Arabella shrugged as we stepped inside the dorm, "there's no need to make a fuss."

"Darling, you're bleeding." I sighed with a chuckle at her calmness, placing her at the edge of the bed.

"You should see the other guy." Arabella raised her brow with a smirk.

Fred laughed, closing the door behind him and coming over to sit beside Belle on the bed.

"You're fucking crazy Potter, do you know that?" He nudged her gently with his shoulder, "Like, bad bitch crazy."

She chuckled, the adrenaline seeming to slowly fizzle away and her breathing a lot calmer.

"What were you thinking?" I spoke sweetly, "that could have ended very badly."

I crouched down in front of her, causing her to meet my gaze.

"She said some not very nice things to Ang." She mumbled.

I shook my head and exhaled with a small smile. I found it so admirable that she would do that for Angelina, considering how much she had already put up with herself.

She continued to show just how much she cared for the feelings of those around her more than her own, and would sacrifice almost anything for those she loved.

I brought my hand to hers, grazing her soft skin with my thumb.

"Well I for one was very impressed." Fred encouraged, leaning into her once more with a cheeky grin.

"So was I," she laughed, "I didn't know I had that in me."

"I did." I winked.

Hermione then swung open the door, scurrying through with her unsurprisingly large first aid kit.

"I've got it- I'm here." She assured, causing me to chuckle at her urgency. Angelina came following shortly after, closing the door behind her and standing beside the bed.

Hermione came to crouch beside me, unzipping the kit and pulling out the alcohol solution and some cotton pads.

She began to soak the pads in the solution, as I noticed Arabella's eyes widen, realising what was about to come.

I took her hand in mine, meeting Fred's eye and silently telling him to take her other hand, which he immediately.

Hermione looked up for authorisation, "I'm really sorry, this is going to sting a bit."

Arabella nodded, "Don't worry," she reassured her with a small smile. "just do it."

Hermione frowned, holding back for a moment before placing the wet cotton directly on to the cuts.
Arabella's eyes screwed shuts, quietly sucking in a sharper grip as I felt her grip on my hand tighten.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now