She opened her closet and took the scarf. She remembered how sweet Y/N was on their date and smiled to herself. The scarf smells like Y/N and Nayeon absolutely loves the scent. She will use this scarf as an excuse to start talking to her. 


The next day Nayeon prepared herself to go to the police station, the only place that she knows where to find Y/N. When she arrived she contemplated whether or not to just enter the station or wait for Y/N outside. But after waiting for twenty minutes outside, she realised that it might take hours for Y/N to come out so she went inside.

"Nayeon-ssi?" A woman approached her. If she remembers it right, then this woman's name is Jihyo. Y/N's close colleague.

"Oh hi." Nayeon smiled awkwardly.

"What brings you here?"

"Is Y/N-ssi here? I need to talk to her." Nayeon said very nervous.

"Oh she went out to investigate a case so she's not here." Jihyo answered.

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

"Unfortunately no. She might return any minute. I think it's better go give her a call."

"Okay thank you." Nayeon said and went outside. She'll just wait in front of the station in the hope that Y/N will show up soon. 

More than an hour has passed and Nayeon is actually freezing but she needs to talk to Y/N so she has to wait.

And then after two hours finally she saw Y/N approaching with two of her colleagues.

"Y/N..." She blocked the three. Confusion was clear on Y/N's face. She never expected to see Nayeon again.

"Nayeon-ssi? What are you doing here?"

"Can I talk to you?"

Y/N hesitated a bit before she told her colleagues to go first and that she will come in later.

"What is it?" Y/N asked.

"I... I came here to give you back this." Nayeon took Y/N's scarf and handed it to Y/N.

"You didn't have to return it. I had forgotten about it."

"Still, I don't like to keep other people's belongings. It's yours so I should give it back."

"Okay, thank you. I'll go back to the station now." Y/N smiled weakly and started to walk.

"Wait!" Nayeon yelled after her and this made Y/N stop walking.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said that day and you were right there is a reason why I hate the police." Hearing this Y/N turned around to face the older woman.

"I guess my hate for the police took over me that day and I told you some hurtful things but I didn't mean anything of it so please let me explain myself to you. I'll explain everything."

"Are you sure you want to share it with me? You don't have to if you don't want to. You apologized already so it's fine. You don't have to tell me something too personal to make me forgive you. I already forgave you." Y/N smiled and this just shows Nayeon how sweet Y/N is. She isn't demanding for Nayeon to share her story instead she accepts her apology.

"No, I want to tell you why I acted that way. You deserve to know why I treated you like that."

"Okay, if you really want to then I'll hear you out. I don't have much time now though I need to go back to the station."

"Just ten minutes." Nayeon suddenly held her arm. "Please just ten minutes."

"Okay, you want to go to the nearby park so we can sit and talk?" Y/N suggested to which Nayeon nodded.

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