Chapter 15

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The older brother pov 

Lorenzo pov

I walk into the kitchen after a long day of work and grab some water. Everyone else is home, which is surprising because we are never home simultaneously.

We don't spend any time together anymore, not for 11 years when our Angel, Harper, was kidnapped at the age of four. Every year we come together to do things that she loves. We go to the garden and wish on dandelions that she will return. It is the only time we get along in a year.

Since Harper has been gone we all get on each other's nerves. I'm the oldest brother, and I try to keep us all together. I am close to all of them, but they aren't close to each other.

Xander and Xavier are still tight but that makes sense because they are twins. Tony and Carter aren't as close as the twins but they only argue a little bit compared to the youngest. Elliot, Xander, and Xavier don't get along at all except for the day that Harper was taken.

We all had a tough time with the kidnapping of Harper, but Elliot was the closest to her. He was 5 when she was taken. He had nightmares and would never stop crying. He cried himself to sleep till three years after he had just stopped, and he is reticent now. He barely talks or leaves his room, and when he does leave or talk, he and the twins argue.

The twins were six when she was taken. They cried, but they had each other, so it was not long.

Carter was 10 when Harper was taken. Carter was devastated. He started self-harming, which I thought out of everyone he would not do; and he did it for years. I thought I would not have to worry about him. He seemed like such a strong kid. He got into medical school after school and now works as a surgeon. He is now two years clean, and his three years are coming up soon.

Tony kept to himself most of the time when he was 13. At the time, he tried to help everyone so they wouldn't know how badly he was hurting Tony, and Harper would always cuddle and watch shows. It was the best thing to do. She was just a little teddy bear; if she wasn't, she always wanted to be held. She would hang on us, and we would do piggyback rides. She was just our little koala.

I was 15 and trying to take care of all of the youngest. It was so hard to watch Carter hurt himself, and no matter how much I wanted to help, it just made him close off and was so much harder for me to get him to open up. I had him sleep in my room for several days when he did. I know a ten-year-old in my bed. Who cares? We are brothers. I don't care what their age is. They're your family, and they can be held or anything because once they say no to it, you'll miss it, so cherish it.

Elliot sometimes came to my room and slept on the couch or in bed. He is now 16, which means Harper is 15. I wonder who she looks like now. Everyone always said how much Elliot and Harper looked alike. It was adorable at the time. Harper didn't understand, so she would say twinny whenever she wanted Elliot. 

The sad part about losing someone is not knowing how they would grow up. Did she have a good childhood? Did she have fun? What is her personality like? Does she get angry fast like the twins? I hope that she had a good life where she lived. I hope that one day, I'll get the call that our dandelion has returned. Until then, I will still be baking her favorite dessert until she comes.

"Your wish came true," Greyson said. We all looked at each other. Xander and Xavier's emotionless tony eyes were ready to pop out of his head. Carter and Elliot were staring at the phone. Since they were all useless, I had to talk. "What are you talking about, Greyson?" I took the phone from Carter's hand. "We found her; we found Angel." Those words made my heart stop. Our dandelion is alive. She has been gone so long. How did he find her? "You lying?" Xavier jumped in.

"I'm not. I wouldn't lie about this." He is right. He would never lie to us, especially about Harper.

"Where is she?" I wanted to see her right away. I couldn't wait another minute.

"At the police station with me and Blake, she was in the state the whole time," Greyson told us.

Blake and Greyson are together, and they get on my nerves when they fight about stupid stuff.

"We are on our way." Before I could hang up, he said to bring her the blanket and teddy she loved when she was little. I didn't understand why he asked for that thing, but as soon as I hung up.

Elliot left the room and came back fast.

I'm a runner. I'm a track star.

I shouldn't watch TikTok, but Elliot returned with her blanket and teddy and his matching teddy. We got them the same teddy since they loved playing together as kids. They shared a lot of toys, so we had to get 2 Teddys we try one at first but they would share it so we through 2 better Elliot would let her have it for the night, and then he would take it the next night. It was the cutest thing in the world.

948 worlds 

How are you liking the brothers?

I feel bad for Carter?

Who your favorite brother so far?

Hope your loving the story

𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora