CH 13.1 Unexpected Freedom

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"That's my brother Cale for you," Gabe said with obvious pride and Cale ducked his head in embarrassment.

Ture smiled at the exchange, but it faded when he spoke. "Now it seems he has returned to single attacks for the purpose of capture, to torture one of your team and thus gain focused power. The Adversary is neither clever nor original: only rotates through his three forms of assault."

"That makes me feel better...I think," Alex said. "Although it sucks being the weakest link that is attacked."

Ture snorted the snort of an angry dragon. "Weak? Weak?! Aris was not weak nor are you." He shook a claw in Alex's face. "The Adversary attacks the greatest source of power to suck it dry, reveling in the dark power of blood, pain, and rape."

Rile squeezed Alex in a sideways hug. "Since I do not say 'I told you so,' instead I will say: I informed you thusly."

Ture drained his mug of wine and then struggled to his feet. "And now, another privilege of age: I will take my first morning nap. Enjoy the rest of your day, young Guardians."

He hobbled off with a wave of his cane, which Alex was sure was his Guardian sword in disguise.


That night, Alex and the brothers sat on the logs around the campfire. The flames snapped, the logs popped, and tiny glowing ashes drifted upwards to wink out in the vast darkness of the night sky. The sight of the stars undimmed by light pollution and the warm scent of a campfire eased her busy mind.

Alex held up the small jar of lavender-scented massage oil, teasing Gabe with a sly smirk. "Looks like it's your turn tonight, Gabe. Are you going to give in willingly or do my boys have to hold you down?"

Gabe grinned ruefully at her. "I wouldn't give 'the boys' the satisfaction. Go ahead."

With gentle pressure, Alex began massaging the tense muscles of Gabe's back, her warmly glowing hands leaving trails of heat in their wake. Gradually, she felt Gabe relax, and he closed his eyes.

"You'll have to teach that to whomever I unite with," Gabe joked, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"Sure, but there's only part of it that's truly teachable," she replied, her fingers absently tracing patterns on his shoulders.

Gabe raised an eye ridge, curiosity clear on his face. "Are you using your powers?" he asked.

Alex said, "Only a mild analgesic. I'll stop if it bothers you." Her concern for his comfort was clear in her voice.

Gabe shook his head, a grateful expression crossing his features. "No, please continue. And thank you," he said sincerely.

"It is my pleasure to help," Alex replied, returning his grateful smile with genuine warmth.

Cale stared off into the distance. His voice was tinged with longing as he said, "I miss going to the movies on Friday nights."

Rile grunted in agreement, but then added, "For me, it's all about the Cajun food. I can't find anything like it here."

Gabe opened his eyes. His tone was wistful as he chimed in, "I miss takeout from our favorite Chinese place."

The group exchanged surprised looks at Gabe's confession.

"What? I'm allowed to have a soft spot for egg rolls." Gabe sounded and looked defensive.

Alex smiled and leaned over to give Gabe a hug and kiss on the side of his muzzle. When he raised his eye-ridges at her, she said with a grin, "That was for being part of this team."

Cale nodded knowingly and added, "No matter where we are, there will always be things we miss." His words were comforting rather than accusatory, a reminder that no matter how far they may wander, they would always have each other.

Rile's voice was calm as he spoke, but his eyes flickered with a hint of something as he watched Alex kiss Gabe. "You know, Alex, I've noticed that you kiss Gabe more often here than in public on your world."

Alex tilted her head and observed Gabe with mock seriousness. "I do believe you are right. I wonder why that is?" She tapped her finger thoughtfully on her chin. "My guess is that it's because Gabe is not a public display of affection kind of guy. Only now, I don't have to worry about that, so I can do as I please as an affectionate friend."

Rile swung her down into his lap. "Now I am into many displays of affection, both public and private."

She giggled, gazing up at him with admiration and love. "Lucky me." With a smooth movement, Rile pulled Alex down onto his lap. "Well, lucky for me, I happen to be quite fond of displays of affection, both in public and in private."

Alex giggled and looked up at him with adoration shining in her eyes. "Yes, I am quite lucky."

Rile stood in a fluid motion, lifting Alex effortlessly. "Enough of the public displays; time for some private ones. Brothers, see you at the second watch."

"But there's no TV," Cale teased. "We're bored without you."

"Make your own entertainment. I am!" Rile called over his shoulder as he headed for the tent, and Alex giggled again.


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