First Day

22 1 7

Hahaha, now that the intro of the story has been established I shall now transfer the rest of the story between POVs, finally, I swear it will be a lot easier to follow now :)

Also, yes this has taken a while to be published...let's just say I've had one of the worst years of my life so far. But I can push through it, I can push through anything :)

America's POV-

Playing a game of poker on my dear ship, my crew bickering and absolutely a mess- feels just like home. I hum as I play my cards and start an endless cycle of taking and giving. Don't get me wrong I love playing poker really... but something feels off. Looking up from my deck of cards I sigh catching a glimpse of the guard, sitting there with a cold glare. His cold eyes bore into our group of loud fighting and somewhat drunk laughter. He seemed to mumble occasionally and at weird if he was talking to someone... Standing up I walk up to him and crouch observing how his eyes landed directly onto mine... sharp and vicious.

Just staring at him sent a familiar sense of hate into my heart. The kind of hate that I've only experienced for a handful of people but it also tapped at this deep want to make fun of him. Calculating his every twitch and breath sickened me and I couldn't help but sigh as I grabbed at his collar with a smile tugging at my lips. I can't believe he's in Neorope and not in Anatolia or Polinia for that matter? Isn't he-

Something seemed to slip into his clothes and just seeing the movement raised many red flags. I know who's the culprit for the creepy crawlies but still...Australia... I frown as the thing seemed to slip away.

I paused as something tugged at my heart. Huffing I still keep my grip on the man but not for long as he growled and almost bit at my hand.

"What the!?" I retreated my hand sharply, stifling a laugh at the sudden bite as the royal guard seethed with rage.

"What now? First, you killed my 2 younger siblings, then you almost took my brother, and now I'm your hostage? I don't want to deal with your egocentric жопа!" The grumpy soldier said growling and trying to get out of his restraints

"Well excuse me! No one here has killed-" I begin to yell but then a boom sounded from behind us, the ship rocked vigorously, and the explosions continued stopping me from engaging him in a bit of bickering.

Hearing the boom and seeing the creepy crawly it all clicked and the sudden explosions made it apparent that something was following us.

Thinking back I remember that the old fool doesn't just give things away even if it went against our small trade... This wouldn't be the first time he went back on his word either. Standing up I feel a sudden drop in my chest and clench my jaw in frustration.

"The military... A military ship is after us, get into your stations!" I yell out in anger a small anxious smile present as I take on the challenge.

You want to take back your stuff old man? Well, too bad... I might as well humiliate you!

Turning on my heel I watched as everyone stumbled and ran to their stations over and under the deck. Spain grabbed a hold of the ship's steering wheel, Poland flew up the crow's nest, Germany ran to the edge of the ship's side, Japan stood by the royal guard with her hand on her katana, and the others filtered down the hatch to the cannons.

Running over to the side of the ship I peeked over the side only to get splashed by a wave of water, my hair dripped wet and I barely lost my balance as the ship rocked vigorously. Grabbing onto the edge of the ship I catch myself from falling and quickly look through the salty mist.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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