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Not gonna lie, this is one of my favorite drawings so far. I'm so proud of myself XD

FYI: Poland is a little bit blind in his right eye and just like Russia said, he almost got killed in a fire by the church.

Since the Church thinks of gods as beings with more than two eyes and wings of only one color everything else that only had wings of a solid color was considered a type of angel or a demon, condemned by the gods from above... let's just say one thing led to another with Poland.

I think you guys can tell I like torturing characters :)

Britain, the king of Neorope, stood at the beach. The biting humid but cold air whipped around him as his brows knitted together in a stern expression. The waves crashing against the shore were the only sound until Britain finally spoke, malice dripping from his words,

"What is it that you want?" Britain asked a low tone mixed into his question.

"Oh, straight to the point I like it." America laughed and pointed a finger up at the sky smugly.

Lowering the finger to point at the king, the guards gulped knowing that America was insulting the king. Russia stepped back a bit as Britain looked at him with a threatening look, the look that sends fear down your very body and suffocates you from the inside out. His blue eyes bore into him and turned to slits. Everyone seemed to freeze except for the captain himself, who stepped forward despite the king's threat.

"Please, we both know that doesn't work on me old man, now let me tell you what I want," He turns his back to the king with a huge grin on his face before jumping up onto the rock where Canada and Australia were being held.

"I want to have safe passage through your borders, including a very capable guard into the deal," the criminal looked to Russia's way. both their eyes met briefly sending sparks down Russia's spine. He growled at the clawing feeling at his chest as America scuffed and turned to face the king once more, "And how about a quarter of your modern blueprints and treasures!" The very eccentric countryhuman exclaimed with his eyes closed and a huge smile in place.

"WHAT!?" Britain screamed, stepping forward and slamming his cane down on the sand.

The king, clearly agitated, shifted his feet as if to attack. The air turned stiff and completely silent as  America drew his saber and pointed its edge to Canada's throat, mumbling something under his breath.

"Ah ah ah, one more step and your son is dead!" The captain bit back with a scowl and Britain retreated, his hands gripping his cane.

The king looked towards one of the guards and nodded with a look of malice. Looking back to Canada he sighed in annoyance, "Fine... my guard will get the blueprints and give you ...Ukraine... he's very capable, so he'll be of good use to you."

The king stood up tall as if to challenge the captain...

However, it wasn't long before they heard more mumbling and whispering between the crew.

Russia tensed as he processed the orders given out and he paused, turning his head to his brother, he felt a pang in his chest.

Ukraine was breathing unevenly, grabbing to his side, and his face was pale with blood and sweat smeared all over his face. His hair was a mess, tangled and frizzled up. His hands were shaking and his eyes were bloodshot.

At that moment he couldn't help but think that Ukraine would die just like Kazakhstan and Belarus. Suddenly a single tear slid down Ukraine's eyes. Quickly wiping it away he seemed to growl at himself.

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