Before and After

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FYI: This is in the future of the book...


Rocks fell to the ground and scattered onto the dark rock floor. The wind slipping through the cracks of the rubble.

The scrapping of feet heard at the edge of the cave's black mouth became prominent as the rumbling coming from the outside stopped.

"... I hate you" The man said, gripping onto his arms sharply.

He sighed in frustration as he looked at the other beside him, eye glowing in the darkness- does he seriously think he can get away with this- practically sending them to their death.

"..." The other man didn't respond, only shifting to face what was supposed to be the cave opening. Now covered with giant rocks and debris, no light slipping through the crack and nothing available to start a small camp fire.

The tall male facing the entrance was laying down at his side in and the other only huffed in his response staring him down.

"... that's it? You're not going to pretend anymore..." The small male responded clenching his teeth.

The man's eye hovered towards the other observing critically.

"..." No response again.

"FINE BE LIKE THAT! SEE IF I CARE!" The shorter country stood up suddenly and began huffing with pure rage. His face distorted as a frown placed itself on his face and he left to the other side of the cave with boots clacking against the hard ground.

"..." The taller glanced to the side slightly frowning at the other. He couldn't see the other but knew the other was... leaving.

"I shouldn't have fallen for you again you'll never change..." The voice of the man echoed down the cave the other staring at the entrance again with a lost look to his eyes.

The rumbling of the cave continued and rocks kept tumbling down and eventually the whole world fell... down down they go until they hit the surface...

Maybe he should have been more careful with his path...


Now for the start of a whole new story!

Disclaimer: this is specifically a Rusame story and it will be a slow burn.

Things may change as the story progresses- hope you'll stick around for the end!

Beyond the SeaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon