At home

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Hello! The second chapter so soon? Yeah, I had some motivation and I really wanted to write this part so 

Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you see anything misspelled or something that sounds weird, please point it out :)


Warnings for language and such


Ukraine stood there arms crossed and foot tapping restlessly against the ground. The large country huffed in annoyance as he approached the angry country.

"Oh so now you come back home!?" Ukraine huffed speed walking towards Russia and slapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"If I recall I had no curfew." Russia looked at Ukraine with a bit of mischief in his eyes though he kept a neutral face.

"Ugh, hurry up then- " Ukraine turned away and motioned to the blacksmith with his head.

Once they entered the blacksmith area the blue and yellow country began to look for something. Looking left and right with a glare he ignored the taller countries' stare.

"Where did I put it, ah...he it is" Ukraine sighed in relief placing his hand on his chest while crouching near a crate.

With a hup Ukraine grabbed a large heavy looking item and dragged it over to his brother. The item left clear marks on the dirt floor and a constant scraping could be heard from withing the fabric.

"God, dam it Russia can you help me out instead of just standing there and staring." Ukraine huffed standing there with the large object propped up on his leg. Russia crossed his arms and glared slightly at his sibling only to grab the object by the hilt, falling forward a bit by the sheer weight. Honestly, it was surprising that Ukraine could even drag such a thing.

"Well open it..." Ukraine suggested pouting a bit by the constant delay. And like clockwork Russia slid the bag off the object, staring at the great-sword in his hands. The grip was soft but still had the right amount of friction to it. It fit his giant hands perfectly and the patterns on it were amazing.

"... you fixed it?" Russia looked at Ukraine in astonishment, wide eyes and his mouth slightly open.

"Mhm- I found it in the trash dumpsters by the grand alley. A bunch of those cultists had a small fire to deal with..." Ukraine smirked a bit before coughing into his hand. A slight blush of embarrassment spread through his face as Russia was left speechless.

"... Ukraine, I uh..."Russia's heart fluttered a bit and he paused not knowing what he should say knowing that this was a sort of apology for that morning.

"Yes, yes , I know you don't have to say it. Now can you help me pack up for the day? We still have to take up guard duty later." Ukraine knowingly reminded softly mumbling under his breath.

With that both countries began to close shop Russia handling the money and supplies while Ukraine took care of putting out the furnace and cleaning up. Business was very slow, the only customer received that day was old man Lacy, who couldn't really get out of the house. I mean who would want to go out in the streets by the coast if cultists ran rampant and the big 'traitors of the kingdom" were living in it. It was quite peaceful that day which was a miracle since every waking hour would be focused on cursing the family out and claiming them to be witches. At some point they were brave enough to hurt Belarus and steal things from the blacksmith. Thus why they have to 'clean up' every day. It hurt Ukraine to be labeled by something that his father did. Now with the festival it was at least bearable to an extent but no amount of joy could drown out their fear of the attention suddenly turning back towards them.

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