You kissed him like it was your last day on Earth. Like you'd never get to experience this ever again. You had finally landed at the bottom of that mountain you jumped off weeks ago. The sharp talons of your self sabotage didn't catch you, but the warmth of Han Jisung did.

He dropped you back off at your house that evening and left you alone. When you woke up the next morning with a head-splitting hangover, you weren't quite sure if you imagined the whole thing or not. The last tendrils of alcohol were still filtering out of your system.

When you saw Han later that day, his whole face lit up. Surely, you hadn't been imagining the pearly white grin that caused his chipmunk cheeks to poke out. He reached you and excitedly took your hands in his.

He was running on nerves and adrenaline. The words shot out of his mouth frantically and you could barely comprehend it. Butterflies appeared in your stomach and your soft smile grew.

"I know it's sudden and I know we were drunk last night. I'm aware it sounds stupid, but I like you a lot. Maybe I'm misreading everything and if I am, I'm sorry bu-"

You cut him off with a kiss. He was so shocked, he didn't have time to close his eyes when your lips met his. You sent sparks of electricity jolting through his body. He quickly shut his eyes and kissed you back.

It didn't take long before the two of you became attached at the hip. You were always attached to each other in some way, shape, or form. Holding hands, playing with each other's hair, laying on one another, shoulder massages, back hugs, bear hugs, spooning; it was all there.

Your love was soft and sweet. The two of you had become each other's novocaine. Your love, your touch, your kisses, your warmth; the two of you couldn't exist without each other. Hushed late night conversation and loud giggles. The sun and the moon. The sea and the stars.

It was weightless, it was natural, it was exhilarating. Every day was a new adventure for the two of you. Another shared secret, a new love song, another inside joke; your life became a mosaic of colors.

"What are you thinking about?"

You glanced up to see Han in the doorway of your bedroom. You hadn't even heard the bedroom door open. You were too busy thinking about everything. A soft blush appeared on your face, "just us."

"What about us?" Han shut the door behind him and came into the room closer towards you. He pulled himself up into your bed, so he could sit near you. His head found a home on your shoulder. "It's not anything bad, is it?"

"Of course not." Your eyes glanced over at the wall across the room. "I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. I store so much love for you inside my body. It fills every nook and cranny. Every crevice of me exists with admiration, appreciation, and fascination for you."

"I'm not sure how to describe it," you went on, "but sometimes it feels like I'm suffocating with all this love I have for you. Sometimes I'm so afraid that I'll lose you or something is going to take you away from me and I..." You trailed off.

"I'm not going anywhere. Nobody is going to take me away from you. I'm not going to break up with you, I promise."

"I know, but sometimes that fear makes me feel like I can't breathe." You blinked rapidly trying to keep the tears at bay.

Han suddenly gasped. "You can't breathe? Quick, we've gotta perform CPR!"

Before you knew what was happening, Han pushed you back on the bed. He placed his body over yours, so he was straddling your waist. Eager to cheer you up, he folded his hands on top of each other and began to gently push his hands into your chest.

"Han what are yo-"

"The patient's life is in danger!"

It was so bizarre and unexpected that your tears disappeared and you began to laugh. It was like music to Han's ears. Your laughter had become his favorite melody. He sped up his fake chest compressions and it only caused you to giggle harder.

"The patient isn't responding! Everybody stand back! I've gotta do mouth-to-mouth!"

Before you could protest, Han dipped his head down. His soft lips met yours. Your giggling cut out and your lips moved with his. As he pulled away and you stared at him, you had never felt more alive. A smile pulled at the corners of your mouth.

He beamed down at you. "Hey, I did it! I saved you! I brought you back to life!"

"You did, but maybe don't do CPR on a real unresponsive person."

"You don't think I'm good at it?"

"With practice, you'd be amazing at it, but I don't think people would appreciate it if their mouth-to-mouth resuscitation involved french kissing."

"Don't worry, that's only reserved for you."    

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