Chapter 5:Kissing under the cherryblossms

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" Hey Phil stop eating my cereal!"
"No it's too good" he said with a mouth full of probably my cereal
"Go get your own!"
That was my annoying roommate/ boyfriend ... yeah I'm gay "whoa"
"If u don't stop now-"
"What Dan not like your going to get up, the great Dan would never get out of his "internet position" to come and stop me"
"Oh now you going or get it"
I got up letting my laptop fall onto the couch as I ran after phil, it ending up with us one either side of a table Phil trying to run way while I stopped him and so and so forth .
"Come here Phil!" I said in a laughing tone
"No" he said in his shy little voice
He ran to one side, but I was to fast and I climbed the table and tackled him, it ended with us landing on couch, both of us laughing hysterically .
Suddenly I heard a ping come form my laptop, I turned to it and saw someone has posted something, it turns out it was from Brendan urie...... ok
I clicked it and watched as Phil and I came on not him and his band.
I watched as I showed us laughing in our trip to Japan, we were underneath the cherry blossom trees, laughing, then I turned ........ and watched as I had kissed Phil.....
How could this happen! We were so careful! No one was there! It was 3 am in he morning for petes sake! No one goes there ....... I guess besides secret gay couples to make out....but still.
How could Brendan do this to us? Doesn't he understand that we were in the closet? He should have had the decency to not post this, I mean I couldn't even rant about him and his secret boyfriend Ryan, cause then I would seem like the bad guy.
I just don't know what this would do to our fan base. Some people would love it and some people would hate it, but nothing would be the same.
"What are we going to do?" Phil chirped in
"I don't know but I do know that Brendan wouldn't be alive after I get through with him"
I looked at the video, already a million views an growing......great.
I looked out the window to see the fans already lining up outside our door.So much for leaving through the front door...
I looked on the computer for tickets to New York. there were tickets available, for 5 tonight, great the less time I have to wait to bash Brendan's face. I booked the tickets , and started to pack.... Brendan must be ready for a real beating.

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