Waiting in the Shadows

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It was late at night, Elara woke quietly and left her mother's room to go for a walk to clear her mind. As she walked she noticed Rand was awake and moving through the palace. She decides to see where he is going. The palace halls were cloaked in shadows as Elara moved with silent purpose, discreetly following Rand's path through the labyrinthine corridors. The dim glow of the palace torches cast flickering patterns on the rich tapestries that adorned the walls.

Rand, unaware of Elara's stealthy pursuit, walked with determination. The hushed echoes of his footsteps resonated in the quietness of the palace at this late hour.

As he approached the familiar bar they had visited earlier in the day, Elara maintained a careful distance, hidden in the shadows.

The bar's door swung open with a creak as Rand entered, the bell above announcing his arrival. The air inside was still, the remnants of the day's activities lingering in the now-empty space.
Min, behind the bar, looked up from her task as the door jingled."We're closed. Oh, it's you," Min said, recognizing Rand.

"Did you know I was coming?" Rand asked, his voice carrying a note of uncertainty.

"Yeah, it sort of comes with the territory. What do you want?" Min responded, her tone laced with indifference as she continued to clean up.

"I want you to tell me that I'm not the Dragon Reborn," Rand admitted a vulnerability threading through his words.

Min, unfazed, replied dismissively, "Okay, you're not the Dragon Reborn."

Rand, sensing her guarded demeanor, insisted, "You don't have to protect my feelings."

"I definitely don't care how you feel. You're just another guy in another bar who wants something from me," Min retorted, her guard firmly in place.

"I-I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry; I didn't even introduce myself," Rand attempted to bridge the gap.

"I know who you are. Look me in the eye and tell me that you want to know what I've got to say. Because once you do, there's no turning back," Min challenged, her eyes locking onto Rand's.

The atmosphere in the bar became charged with the weight of what Min was about to reveal. Rand hesitated, his eyes meeting Min's, and Elara observed from the shadows, her presence concealed.

The night held its breath, anticipating the revelations that would unfold within the quiet confines of the bar.


The first tendrils of dawn had yet to breach the horizon as Moiraine stirred from her slumber. Her eyes flickered open, and she instinctively glanced toward the side of the bed where Elara was sleeping. The sheets lay undisturbed, and a chill settled over Moiraine as she realized her daughter was nowhere to be found. Their bond was once again mask.

Pushing aside the covers, Moiraine rose from the bed, the coolness of the air biting against her skin. A sense of unease tightened her chest as she moved across the room, the dim light filtering through the curtains casting a muted glow on the floor.

As Moiraine approached the door, a knock echoed through the room. The sound resonated with an urgency that further heightened her apprehension. With a flick of her hand, she opened the door to reveal Rand standing in the hallway, the night sky stretching behind him, "It's me."

Moiraine's gaze met his, and she gave a small nod in acknowledgment. The gravity of the situation hung in the air between them, unspoken words lingering in the pre-dawn stillness. Moiraine knew what she needed to do.


The morning sun is shining through Nynaeve's curtains, she is engaged in conversation with Egwene when she hears a knock on her door.

The door swung open , her features etched with concern, but it was Lan who stood on the other side.

"What happened?" says Nynaeve.

Lan's countenance bore a weighty seriousness, "Moiraine masked our bond and I cannot find Elara."

Nynaeve's confusion only deepened, "I don't understand."

Lan's tone remained grave, "They're gone."

A flicker of disbelief crossed Nynaeve's widened eyes, "She left by herself?"

Egwene sensed the tension in the air and called out, "Rand."


The corridors of Tel'aran'rhiod, the World of Dreams, blurred as Elara harnessed the newfound abilities granted by her transformation into one of the Forsaken.

With deliberate focus, she traversed the dreamlike realm, weaving through intricate threads connecting the waking world to this ethereal plane. Elara found herself standing at the precipice of the Eye of the World, where reality and dreams intertwined. The mystical aura of the location permeated the air, and she sensed the impending arrival of Rand and Moiraine

A shadow materialized before her, coalescing into the form of Ishamael. His eyes gleamed with a malevolent light as he regarded Elara's presence, "Ah Elara, what brings you here?"

Elara squared her shoulders, a mixture of determination and caution in her expression, "The dragon is on his way. I've come to remind you of your promise. You swore not to harm them."

Ishamael's laughter echoed through the dreamlike space, a chilling sound reverberating with ancient malevolence, "Promises are but fleeting whispers in the wind, my dear. Circumstances can change."

Elara's eyes narrowed, a flicker of defiance in her gaze, "The Pattern weaves as it wills, and I have played my part. But I will not just stand by and let you hurt them "

Ishamael's expression shifted, a fleeting acknowledgment of the intricate dance dictated by the Pattern. He stepped closer, his words a venomous whisper, "Let me remind you, child, that your destiny is intertwined with things out of your control, you'd do best to watch your tongue."

Elara maintained her composure, the weight of her choices etched across her features.

With those words hanging in the air, Elara shifted her focus, withdrawing from the dreamlike realm and returning to the waking world. As she materialized back in the physical realm, the echo of her encounter with Ishamael lingered—a foreboding prelude to the events that would unfold at the Eye of the World. She started her journey to try and catch up to Rand and Moiraine feeling as though she needs to be there when the time comes to fight alongside them.

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