The Silver Arches continued...

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The Tower corridors echoed with the measured footsteps of Lan and Moiraine, the weight of Elara's test hanging in the air like a delicate balance of hope and apprehension. They navigated the intricacies of the White Tower, their thoughts trailing behind like an invisible thread linking them to the child they had sent into the crucible of the silver arches.

Lan, reserved, broke the silence, his voice a low murmur in the hallowed halls. "Mat has regained enough strength to start drinking again, and he's well enough to ride," he revealed.

Moiraine nodded, absorbing the information. The progress in Mat's recovery was a flicker of relief amidst the uncertainties that surrounded them.

As they strolled through the Tower, Liandrin came before them like a shadow seeking acknowledgment. Her demeanor hinted at a concealed knowledge, and her words dripped with veiled threats. "Mat Cauthon. Is that his name, yes? Same boy you visited at the Light's Blessing yesterday? Strange how he and his companion, Rand, are also from the Two Rivers. Along with the two strangers nursed back to health by our Yellow sisters. All friends of Nynaeve, perhaps?" she taunted with a laugh. "I'm sure the Amyrlin would love to understand that connection. Or should I ask Elara, pity she has to hold onto your secrets as well. Only time will tell. Any news on her journey through the arches yet?"

Moiraine, her eyes narrowing, turned toward Liandrin with a steely resolve. "I know about the man you meet in North harbor. Walk away. Never mention this again. Or I will tell your Red sisters where he lives. We both know what they'll do to him," she warned each word carrying weight.

With a dismissive gesture, Moiraine turned away, continuing her walk with Lan. Left looking shocked, Liandrin watched them leave.

"What should I expect?" Moiraine inquired.

"He's very upbeat," Lan responded.

"I can handle that," Moiraine assured.
Moiraine and Lan entered a room, where Loial awaited. They sought Loial's assistance for an unknown task, the details of which remained veiled in mystery.

Later, at midday, in the Hall of the Tower, Moiraine and Egwene stood amidst the grandeur.

"Welcome to the Hall of the Tower. It's funny, I wore exactly the same expression when I first saw this room," Moiraine remarked.

"Is that...?" Egwene began.

"The Amyrlin Seat itself," Moiraine confirmed.

"Isn't that... confusing? To have the woman and the throne named the same thing?" Egwene questioned.

"Feel free to ask her. The Amyrlin Seat has requested an audience with you. But first, there's someone else who wants to see you."

The door opened, revealing Lan and Nynaeve in conversation. "If you can't lead the world from a room built of wood and dirt, how can you call yourself a leader?" Nynaeve challenged.

"Nynaeve?" Egwene exclaimed.

"Egwene," Nynaeve responded.

They embraced, a moment of shared joy and relief.

"I thought you were dead!" Egwene exclaimed.

"So did the Trolloc that took me," Nynaeve admitted.

"What are you doing here?" Egwene inquired.

"There's a lot to catch up on, I know. But the Amyrlin's expecting us," Moiraine interjected.

"Let her wait," Nynaeve asserted.

"Siuan Sanche waits for only one woman. And it's not you," Moiraine remarked, emphasizing the urgency of their audience with the Amyrlin Seat.


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