Mother's Bond

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The revelations in the Amyrlin Seat's office had left the air heavy with unspoken emotions

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The revelations in the Amyrlin Seat's office had left the air heavy with unspoken emotions. Moiriane and Lan gave Elara and Siuan some time alone to be with one another. Elara turned to Siuan, her gaze filled with a mixture of determination and understanding.

"You are probably wondering how I figured it out," Elara admitted softly, her voice carrying the weight of years of secrets. Siuan with a smirk, "I figured you would explain when you felt the time was right." Elara blushed, "As a dream walker, I can explore my own memories. I've seen moments from my infancy, moments with both of you. I saw you, holding me as a baby. I saw the love in your eyes. I visit that memory often."

Siuan's breath caught in her throat, her eyes misting with tears. She reached out to cup Elara's cheek, her touch gentle and affectionate. "You are a clever, clever girl, Elara. I am proud of you."

Elara smiled through her own tears, a mixture of relief and joy flooding her heart. "I understand why you had to keep it a secret, why you had to become the Amyrlin Seat. But I always knew that one day, we would come back together as a family."

Siuan's gaze was filled with maternal love as she pulled Elara into a warm embrace. She held her daughter tightly, the bond between them now strengthened by the truth that had been revealed.

As they stood there, mother and daughter locked in a heartfelt embrace, Elara felt the power of her dreamwalking abilities surge within her. With a soft whisper of the One Power, she wove a delicate thread of magic, inviting Siuan into her memory.

They found themselves immersed in a vivid recollection—a memory from Elara's infancy. They stood knee-deep in a tranquil river, the water flowing gently around them. Baby Elara was cradled in Siuan's arms, her tiny fingers reaching out to touch the water, her eyes wide with wonder.

Siuan smiled down at the baby in her arms, her voice soft and filled with love. "Daughter of the river, clever as a pike, strong as the tides."

Moiraine stood nearby, her eyes fixed on the two of them, a tender smile on her lips. She reached out to touch Siuan's shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of their shared love and responsibility.

At that moment, the bond between the three of them felt unbreakable, and the weight of the past seemed to dissipate. They were a family reunited, ready to face the challenges of the future together.

As the memory faded, Elara held onto the warmth of the moment, her heart filled with love for both of her mothers. The truth had set them free, and they were now united by the unbreakable bonds of family and destiny.

Thank you for your patience. Another filler chapter while I write the Journey Story

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