Training and Connections

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Preparing for a private conversation with the Amyrlin Seat, Moiraine turned to Elara and al'Lan Mandragoran, her voice low and serious. "I need some time alone with Siuan. Would the two of you mind exploring the White Tower for a while?"

Elara's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she nodded eagerly. "Of course, Mother. We'll find something interesting to do."

Al'Lan Mandragoran, always vigilant, offered a nod of agreement. "We shall return later, Moiraine."

As mother and daughter parted ways, Elara and al'Lan ventured through the winding corridors of the White Tower. Their journey led them to a spacious area where the Warders trained, honing their combat skills.

Al'Lan, ever the skilled swordsman, couldn't resist the urge to spar. He drew his sword and turned to Elara, a hint of a smile on his face. "Shall we, my dear?"

Elara's face lit up, and she unsheathed her small practice sword. She had been learning the basics of combat from al'Lan, and her skills were steadily improving. She moved with grace and precision, a testament to her innate talent.

As they sparred, al'Lan couldn't help but offer his praise, "You're improving, Elara. But remember, there is always room for improvement in the art of the sword."

Just as their practice was becoming more intense, they were noticed by two Warders, Maksim and Ihvon, the loyal followers of Alanna Mosvani, an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.

Maksim, a broad-shouldered man with a scar on his cheek, approached al'Lan with a friendly nod. "Lan Mandragoran, it's good to see you. It's been too long."

Ihvon, a lean and agile Warder, joined in, clapping al'Lan on the back. "Indeed. We've missed your presence here at the White Tower."

Al'Lan acknowledged them with a nod of his own. "Maksim, Ihvon, it's good to see you both as well."

Elara, standing nearby, greeted them politely. "I'm Elara Damodred. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Maksim and Ihvon exchanged amused glances. "Ah, the Daughter-Heir," Maksim remarked with a grin. "You've certainly grown since we last saw you."

Ihvon added, "If you're anything like your mother, you'll make an excellent Aes Sedai one day." Maksim chimed in with a wink, "Or the next Amyrlin seat."

Elara blushed at the compliment, but her curiosity got the better of her. "You're both Warders, right? Do you train here often?"

Maksim and Ihvon exchanged a knowing look and then turned to al'Lan. "Lan, would it be acceptable for us to offer Elara some training while you're in the White Tower? It's always good for a young one to learn some self-defense."

Elara's eyes widened with excitement, and she looked up at al'Lan with a pleading expression. "Please, al'Lan! Can I train with them?"

Al'Lan couldn't resist her adorable bright eyed smile and sighed in mock defeat. "Very well, Elara. You may train with them."

Elara cheered, and the Warders couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. As they began their training, Elara felt a sense of belonging, a camaraderie with these Warders who had welcomed her with open arms. Little did she know that these connections and the skills she was acquiring would become invaluable as her journey within the White Tower continued, each day would bringing her closer to uncovering the secrets that lay hidden within its storied walls.

 Little did she know that these connections and the skills she was acquiring would become invaluable as her journey within the White Tower continued, each day would bringing her closer to uncovering the secrets that lay hidden within its storied w...

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al'Lan sneaks away for a moment to speak with Moiraine while Elara was training with Maksim and Ihvon.

Evening falls on Tar Valon. Moiraine stands before a mirror, dressed in a casual white dress, removing her jewelry and undoing her hair. Lan enters, "You masked our bond."

Moiraine turns to face Lan, holding a smerk on her face, " It's been at least eight years. I thought you'd welcome the break."

Lan shakes his head in disagreement, "This place isn't as safe as it once was. Everyone's watching you. You and Elara are not safe here, Moiraine. And I can't protect you if I can't feel you."

Moiraine reasures Lan, " Our enemies are everywhere. I am sure you will have your hands full with Elara. I cannot imagine you have been getting any peaceful sleep with her around. She has told me how you two train in your sleep. I doubt she means that figuratively. You're priority has to be protecting Elara. Good night, Lan.

Lan heads towards the door, "Be back before dawn." Moiraine caught off guard retorks, "Is that an order?" Lan continues , "Did it sound like a suggestion?" With a serious smile, "Send her my love."

Moiraine nods and laughs to herself as Lan leaves for the night.

Let me know if you have any requests or suggestions for this story. Thanks for reading!

The Wheel of Kin: A Daughter's JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora