Shadows Waiting Part 3

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In the eerie silence of the ruins near Shadar Logoth, Egwene took a deep breath and approached Rand. She needed to address the growing tension that had been hanging between them since she had chosen to pursue training as a Wisdom rather than a future with him.

"Rand," she began cautiously, "we need to talk."

Rand turned to her, and his eyes reflected a mix of emotions, from frustration to longing. "What is there to talk about, Egwene? You've made your choice."

Egwene sighed, her face earnest. "I know I did, but it doesn't mean I don't care about you. It's just... I need to find my own path."

Rand nodded, though there was sadness in his eyes. "I understand, Egwene. It's just hard, you know?"

Egwene reached out and touched his arm, her expression filled with empathy. "I know, Rand. But we both have our destinies to follow."

Meanwhile, Perrin wandered off alone, his thoughts heavy with the burden of his hidden secret. As he meandered through the ruins, a group of wolves approached him. This was strange behavior for the creatures, but what happened next was even more bewildering. One of the wolves extended its tongue to gently lick Perrin's wound before they all walked away, disappearing into the night.

Elara observed this peculiar interaction from a distance and couldn't help but feel intrigued. She had read about Wolfbrothers in her books but had never met one in person. This encounter with Perrin and the wolves piqued her curiosity, and she made a mental note to learn more about him and his unique connection to these creatures.


As she sat down to rest for a minutes Elara was pulled into a vivid dream, finding herself in a familiar fishing shack, one that held a precious memory shared with her mother, Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat. As she sat on a stool, a sense of unease filled the air, and her mother entered, wearing an expression that spoke of displeasure.

Siuan's gaze bore into Elara, and she wasted no time addressing her concerns. "I know what you've been doing with our dreams every night," Siuan said, her voice sharp. "At first, I couldn't quite understand what was happening. But then, I had a memory that did not feel true. The more I thought about it, the more I remembered. Have you been tampering with my dreams, Elara?"

Elara fought to maintain a stoic demeanor, hiding the truth. She knew that the consequences for her actions could be severe. "I am confused as to what you are asking me, Mother," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "While I am away, I do visit your dreams every night. I miss you terribly when I am traveling." Elara's attempt at a warm smile was met with a measured, unyielding look from her mother.

Siuan remained unconvinced, her eyes narrowing. "I seem to recall telling you not to leave the tower," she continued, her voice tinged with frustration. "Yet the next day, you had indeed left, and I found myself curiously unchallenged by your actions."

Elara couldn't meet her mother's unwavering gaze, her heart heavy with guilt. "Mother, I am sorry," she admitted, the weight of the truth pressing on her. "It was the only way I thought you would allow me to go. I... I couldn't bear the thought of staying behind. So much has happened, if I had never left so many terrible things would have prevailed"

Siuan's stern expression seemed to soften, and a hint of sadness crept into her eyes. She took a deep breath and said, "Trust is a fragile thing, and secrets can shatter it. We must have honesty between us, always."

Elara nodded, her own eyes welling with tears. "I understand, Mother."

Siuan approached her daughter for an embraced but as Elara tried to move towards her mother, her surroundings shifted dramatically. The dream realm she had been navigating abruptly shattered, thrusting her into an abyss of darkness. Her body spiraled in and out of the intricate pattern of the dreamscape, only to come to a sudden and disorienting halt.

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