Part 37

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"Yeah?" Lando replies. The afternoon sun still streams through the windows, playing across his features.

"Does this mean we're, together?" I ask, hearing Lando sigh.

"I was going to do this whole romantic dinner and ask you then," Lando tells me, smiling. "But yeah, if you want me to be your boyfriend, I would love it."

"Okay." I say after a pause, then I nestle into Lando, his arms wrap around me, pulling me further into his chest. Lando starts to get up, with me still in his arms. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Lando replies, kissing the top of my head. He walks into the washroom and sets me down on the edge of the tub. One of his hands stays on my hip, keeping me from falling, whilst the other starts to turn the taps of the tub. When the bath is half-full, Lando picks me up again and sets me down in the water. "Okay?" he asks as I sink into the warm water.

"Yeah." I tell him, smiling at him as he leans on the edge of the bathtub.

"Mind if I join you?" Lando questions, I nod and fold my legs into myself so Lando can get in. He sits across from me, putting his legs either side of me. After a second, I turn around and lay against Lando's chest.

"My parents' want to meet you." Lando says, pressing a line of kisses down the side of my neck.

"Do they?" I respond, flicking at the surface of the water. "Mine keep harassing me about you." I continue, tilting my head so I can see Lando. He chuckles, his hands that are around my waist lift me slightly as I start to slip. "I keep thinking that I'll wake up from this dream."

"If it is a dream, I plan to keep you in it for as long as possible." Lando replies, nuzzling my neck.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I ask, resting my head on his.

"Meetings, and then a Quadrant shoot." Lando tells me against my neck.

"Oh, you didn't tell me about that." I say, straightening slightly. Lando pulls me back to where I had been.

"You are very distracting." Lando responds, his hands drifting up and down my torso.

"Don't try to pin this on me! Ever thought that you are just forgetful?"

"Hey!" Lando exclaims, then gently nips my neck.

"You didn't deny it!" I reply, giggling. Lando hmms and starts to tickle me.

"Lando! Stop!" I manage to get out between bouts of laughter.

"Take it back." Lando growls, still tickling me.

"Okay! I take it back! You're not forgetful." Lando stops.

"Damn right!" Lando says. I'm still giggling when Lando reaches for a washcloth and starts rub down my legs and chest, the rubbing between my thighs.

"Lando!" I clutch his arms.

"Yes?" he asks like he's not doing anything.

"You know what you're doing. Stop it!" Lando stops immediately, I melt, breathing deeply against his chest.

"You okay?" Lando asks, tilting my chin back so he could see my eyes. I nod and close my eyes, the warm water and Lando's chest rising and falling lulls me too sleep...


I wake up in my bed, rolling over I see that it is now seven in the morning.

"Good morning." I hear Lando say from behind me.

"Morning." I yawn as I roll over, Lando is lying there, watching me.

"How'd you sleep?" he asks, placing one of his hands on my waist.

"Good. You?"

"Same." Lando replies, sitting up. The blanket slides down his body, pooling in his lap.

"Great." I manage to squeak out before I say something stupid.

"Okay." Lando says as he gets out of the bed and pulls on some clothes before moving towards the door. I hop out of bed before he leaves though. My naked body distracts Lando as I run towards him. Lando catches me, pulling me to his chest. I lean up and kiss him, tugging at his shirt. "Where are you going?" I ask once we part, breathless.

"Toilet." Lando tells me as he leans down for another kiss.


"Where did you think I was going?" Lando asks.

"Away." I reply sheepishly.

"I'll never leave you, not if I can help it." Lando tells me, kissing me again.

"God, we're cute!" I say once we part again, Lando laughs.

"So cute." he laughs, "Though I think that that cuteness is mostly you."

"Really? I would say that the cuteness is always you."

"Then you would be wrong."

"Or we could just agree to disagree."

"Or that." Lando says.

"Well, I'll let you go to the bathroom then." I decide, stepping out of his arms.

"I don't want too anymore." Lando tells me, reaching for my waist to draw me back.

"Go." I urge, pushing him towards the bathroom. Lando pushes open the door, closing it behind him. 

**Thank you so much for over 3k reads! Hope you like the story so far!** 

It Started With His Number -- Lando Norrisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن