Part 20

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Lando drove me home, he drove smoothly, which was relaxing. When we reached my house, I got out of the car, picking up my bag (which seemed to be getting heavier),

"Do you need somewhere to sleep tonight?" I asked Lando, not wanting him to leave.

"I'm going to go back to Monaco." Lando replied, stopping in front of me. I paused, what?

"No, you're not." I told him sternly, glaring at him.

"Well, where am I going to go?" he asked me, running his fingers through his hair.

"You can stay here." I told him. "You are not going back to Monaco until tomorrow, fans are fucking crazy, mate. You're tired and you are not going anywhere." Lando shifted nervously,


"But nothing, you are staying here and that is final!" I interrupt, glaring at him until he gives in, it doesn't take long.

I take his hand and pulled him to the house, he didn't protest. I unlocked the front door and stepped into the dark and empty house. I pulled my camera out of my bag and then set the bag on the stairs. I placed my camera onto the bench and sighed as I arched my back, clicking it in multiple places. I saw Lando watching me out of the corner of my eye, "You good?" I asked.

"Yep." he replied quickly, nodding his head. I sat next to my camera and wrestled my shoes off my feet—I got up again when they were off. Picking up my camera (I had taken pictures at the wedding and wanted to download them to my laptop), I quickly ran up the stairs and put the camera in my room. Running back down the stairs I saw Lando standing awkwardly in the foyer. I took some bedding out of the under-the-stairs cupboard.

"Come on." I say to Lando, beckoning him to follow me. I put him into the guest bedroom, I was too tired to make small talk. So, I just put him in there and then just went to sleep, it was a good sleep.

I got up at 9:30 (am) so I am guessing that I slept really well. I got up and made myself food and got dressed. I've got to admit I might have forgotten that Lando was in my house. When he came downstairs yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, I swear I flipped. On one hand, I had kind of forgotten he was there (thought it was a dream), but on the other? Lando looked so fit I could have melted to the floor, and I'm not joking. He was dressed in yesterday's stuff (not the suit) and looked like he had just had a beauty sleep, oh, my, god.

"Morning!" Lando said sleepily as he walked through into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I replied, smiling at him.

"I've got to run." he said, leaning against the table.

"Oh? Do you want anything to eat first?" I asked, putting my spoon in the bowl.

"Nah, I'll be fine, thanks for letting me stay over."

"No problem, seriously, anytime." I respond, standing up and putting my bowl in the sink.

"Okay, well I should go." he said, scratching his forehead.

"Okay, see you." I said, walking with him to the door, he picked up his bag.

"Bye! Thanks again." Lando said, waving to me as he walked to his car.

"Bye!" I called, waving back. I watched him go and then cleaned my dishes and started to work out. The next few days were weird, I felt weird. I missed Lando, weirdly. We still texted every day, but something had shifted, something that made us on the edge... of something... I don't know what.

Anyway... on Thursday Anna and I went to the tennis courts to play some tennis, I loved tennis. We started a singles match, with me serving first, I hit a fast overhead serve (the proper serves) and Anna returned it with a super-quick backhand, I volleyed her shot. She returned it with a dropshot that had me racing towards the net.

"So, how's this thing with Lando?" Anna asked as she waited to receive my shot.

"Weird, he was my date to Imogen's wedding, and we've been talking for a while and he's really nice, but I don't think anything will happen." I replied, now waiting for her shot.

"Something will happen, by the way he looks at you, something will happen." she told me. I smiled and returned her shot.

"How is it going with Carlos?" I asked her, lifting my eyebrows. She blushes,

"He is so kind, he has taken me out so many times, it's amazing."

"How is rehearsal?" I asked, her dancing rehearsals take up most of her time.

"Fine, tiring." she replied, we continued to play until our slot was up, I won our singles game and said goodbye to Anna and drove home.

Friday Before the Belgian Grand Prix.

Lando left me a voice message, I was just going home from testing a new car and listened to it in my car; "Hey, I know this is weird, but are you free this weekend? To come to the race? I know you just came to one, but. You didn't see the whole thing, let me know! Bye!" I think that I squealed, he had just invited me to another race weekend? Like, what? I immediately voice noted him back; "This is not weird in the slightest, just fucking awesome! I can't wait! When can I come?" I know I might have been a bit forward, but I just couldn't help myself! I got home and had a shower, properly drying my hair (I don't use any hair products) and shaving. Lando texted and said that I could come out whenever I was ready, so I packed super quick and drove to the airport. The flight was just over an hour, Lando had texted and said that I was staying with him at 'Hotel de la Source'. I got on the plane and went to my seat (first class, again).

**Sorry this is late, I was really sick yesterday. I hope you are enjoying it so far! Let me know in the comments!** 

It Started With His Number -- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now