Part 19

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When we got to the church, I felt Imogen's hands start to get clammy.

"Are you okay?" I asked here, turning my head slightly so I could see her better.

"Yeah, fine, nervous." Imogen replied. We got out of the car and walked towards the entrance to the church, I was going to walk her down the aisle, since our mum didn't want to do it, and I was fine with doing it. Once Imogen and Xander were wed (the  ceremony was lovely, music was great, blah, blah, blah.), the rest of the day went smoothly. It was fun and being with Lando was fun too. When it got to the speeches, I was ready. I stood up with my piece of paper and waited for the guests to quiet, I started.

"Imogen, I can't say how much I love you, no matter how much you annoy me, When I say I hate you—I'm kidding, though I often say it. I do hate you in some ways, but I love you more. You are the most caring and thoughtful sister the world has probably ever had.

"I hope that nothing between us changes, but if it does? I'll miss when you call me at 1am—sometimes you have a reason, but the rest of the time?" I pause, raising my eyebrows. The laughter spills from the guests, making it impossible to continue. "I'll miss the way you tease me, and the way you hug, and the way you make the cringiest jokes." I smile, thinking back on those moments. "I'll miss much more than that, but I don't want to take up more time than I said I would.

"It's weird, being up here, giving a monologue I've spent the last month writing, and obsessing over every word, worrying if you will grow away from me. But I know that you will be happy with Xander, and that makes it easier.

"Xander, if you hurt her in anyway, (aside from birthing a child) you will have me to answer too. The things I said to you when you first started dating my sister still stand," I gave Xander a knowing look, as the crowd chuckles.

"Imogen, my sister, my BFF, a wife and a soon-to-be-mother. I hope that we don't change, I beg of you to continue calling me at 1am, and to continue being the person I can rely on. They say life is short so make it sweet, you have made my life the sweetest it can be. I love you to bits, and I wish you utter happiness in the future, dad would be so, so proud of you, I love you and thank you." I sat down to a crescendo of applause, Lando's hand found mine and gave it a squeeze. I looked at him and smiled. I turned my head to find Imogen's face at the front of the room, her eyes were filled with tears. She looked right at me and shook her head smiling. Dinner came out and we started to eat, the dinner tasted fabulous, and the conversation was interesting. But the best bit was when all the dinner plates were taken away, and the dancing started.

The first dance was Xander and Imogen, a slow dance. The songs that were playing were tasteful and most were classics. When it was almost time for all the old people to go home, and before I went on stage, my mother pulled me aside,

"Why is your date Lando Norris? And way have you been in the news with him?" mum asked, her grip on my arm tightening.

"Well, hello to you too, mum." I replied, pulling my arm for her iron grip.

"Hello, tell me."

"We met and have been talking and hanging out, he's helping me out by being my date tonight." I told her.

"But--" my mum started to say before I cut her off.

"I need to go on and sing, mum, so I'll have to talk to you later." I said, moving towards the empty stage. When I got there, I cleared my throat and adjusted the mic. The music that had been playing stopped and a spotlight hit me.

"Hello, I'm going to sing 'I've Been Thinking.' By Geordie Hunter, I hope you like it." I said and then my backing track starts, I sing the song and throughout I see Lando staring at me with a gentle expression.

Once I got off the stage, all the older people started to trickle out of the venue. As I started to walk forwards (looking at my feet) I saw a pair of feet walk in front of me. I looked up and saw Lando's face in front of me.

"I like that when I wear heels I am as tall as you." I told him, I cross my arms which draws his attention to my chest, he quickly flicks his gaze back to mine, guiltily. Lando smirked and stood up on his toes,

"You're not now." He said in retaliation. I sighed, uncrossing my arms.

"I can't do anything about that. I'm already on my tiptoes." I exclaimed, haughtily. Lando immediately relaxed his feet, rocking back on his heels. Some party music started playing and a mass of young adults streamed towards the dance floor.

"Wanna dance?" Lando asked quietly after a pause, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Sure?" I replied, this was going to be awkward. We walked on to the floor and a song started to play. I admit that I am actually quite good at dancing, but Lando is not the best at it. He just kind of hops up and down, shaking his hands, I laughed through the whole thing. Once the song finished, I was out of breath from laughing so hard.

"What?" Lando asked, looking at me curiously.

"Your so bad at dancing!" I replied, brushing some strands of my hair over my shoulder. Lando scoffed, trying to hide how embarrassed he looked.

"Do you want to go?" Lando asked, his eyes not quite meeting my own.

"Okay." I replied, picking up my bag as we paused at the table we had been sitting at.

We walked out of the party, I threw my bag over my shoulder and followed Lando as he strode towards the exit. As I walked after him, I kept a pace behind him, wondering if he would notice I wasn't next to him. He did about a minute after I had lagged behind, turning around and putting his hands in his pockets.

"You alright?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly, looking expectant.

"Yup." I said, catching up to him. He had passed the test, impressive.

"You sure?" he asked again, following me.

"Definitely." I stated, pushing open the door to the parking lot. I realised as I walked through the door that Lando had reached to open the door when I pushed it open. The realisation made me smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Lando asked me after a pause, his eyes staring at me questioningly.

"No reason." I replied, looking over at him. Lando shook his head, looking at me and then glancing at my feet.

"Do your feet not hurt?" he asked, looking back up at me.

"Nope, I've got a high arch so I can wear heels for longer than the normal woman can." I explained to him, the words have been repeated a lot over the years. I pulled my phone out of my bag; Anna had texted me. How was the wedding? Saw that Lando was your date! I guess the gossip hounds had gotten on it. The wedding was great! How are you? Hanging out with Carlos? (: I replied, ignoring the comment about Lando. I put my phone away as we approached Lando's car.

**I really recommend listening to Geordie Hunter on Soundcloud, she is awesome!** 

It Started With His Number -- Lando NorrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora