Part 34.

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I wake to the sun streaming through the floor to ceiling windows, still in Lando's arms. I rub my eyes, rolling over.

"Morning." Lando grunts, blinking slowly.

"Morning." I reply, smiling uncontrollably at him. Lando smiles back and pulls me up so we are face to face, Lando leans in like he's going to kiss me.

"Lando, I haven't brushed my teeth." I tell him, squirming away.

"I don't care." Lando says, drawing me back to him.

"You will." I tell him, laughing.

"No, I won't." he responds. Lando leans in and kisses me, his big arms surrounding me in a hug. Lando tastes so good, I can't explain it. When we break apart Lando smirks.

"I was right." he tells me.

"About what."

"You taste amazing." Lando says, nuzzling my neck.

"Lando!" I exclaim, shaking from laughter. "You taste amazing too, and this is probably the weirdest conversation I've ever had." Lando laughs into my neck, sending shivers through me. "Come on, we have to pack."

"I don't want to." Lando whines, collapsing back into the bed. My phone rings, I see Anna's number on the caller id.

"Hello?" I say, picking up the phone.

"I can't believe you got him! Go queen!" Anna screeches.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, sitting up.

"Oh, right. A photo was leaked, you and Lando kissing in the back of a car." Anna tells me, sounding regretful.

"What? Oh My God. Shit." I respond, turning to Lando I say, "They know."

"Know what?" Lando asks, sitting up and putting one of his arms around me.

"Someone must have taken a picture of us in the car last night." I tell him.

"Wait. Are you still with him? Oh, my God, Lori! Congrats!" Anna says.

"Anna, I think he can hear you." I reply, lifting an eyebrow at Lando, who is smiling slightly.

"I don't care, put me on speaker." she demands, I do, sighing. "Okay, Lando? If you do anything to hurt her, I will personally tear you apart and feed you to the birds." I face palm, groaning, I reach for the phone. "Lori, don't you dare, I'm not done. Lando, do you understand." Anna says.

"Yep, definitely, I will never hurt her, that was the plan even before you called." Lando tells Anna, smiling at me.

"Good, I've got to go on stage, love you Lori."

"Love you too Anna, good luck." I say, sighing when she ends the call. "Sorry." I say to Lando.

"No, it's great you have someone like Anna." Lando replies, putting his other arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How do you do it? How do you deal with everyone getting into your private life?" I ask, raising my head to look at him.

"I don't, I usually end up crying, in the dark." Lando tells me slowly. I sigh,

"Well, you don't have too anymore." I say, hugging him back. Lando chuckled and kissed my neck.

"We should pack, flights in a few hours." Lando whispers in my ear I sigh again and untangle myself from him. Lando helps me pack, I get changed into grey tracksuit bottoms and a green tank top, pulling my hair into a messy bun. I go and help Lando pack, folding shirts and trousers. When we're almost done, I look out the window to find that it has started to rain. The sun dimmed by the falling droplets. "I can't fit this in." Lando says, stopping beside me "Oh, it's raining."

"No shit, sherlock." I reply, smiling up at him.

"Harsh." Lando replies, he's holding a hoodie.

"Can you not fit that in?" I ask, pointing to the hoodie.

"I can't." Lando tells me, looking at it, frustrated.

"Can I wear it?" I ask him, before I could think if I should even ask. It's not one of his quadrant hoodies, just a plain black one.

"If you want." Lando says, offering it to me.

"Thanks." I take the hoodie and pull it on, it smells strongly of Lando, I breathe deeply, burying my nose into it. Lando chuckles.

"We should go." he tells me, looking at his watch.

"Okay." I say, pulling on my trainers. We get a taxi to the airport and get on the plane. Lando has to go to Monaco, so I say goodbye to him and get another taxi home, I miss Lando already. 

It Started With His Number -- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now